Image from the compilation of LibreELEC cannot be installed on Intel NUC5i5RYH

  • Hi,
    I compiled successfully LibreELEC 8.02 source code for GIT using the following commands:

      $ git clone
      $ git checkout 8.0.2
      $ PROJECT=Generic ARCH=x86_64 make image

    After several hours, I got the image ("LibreELEC-Generic.x86_64-8.0.2.img.gz") in the target directory and created a usb with LibreELEC USB-SD Creator v1.3.

    When I tried to install it on my Intel NUC5i5RYH, I can only see the Kodi splash screen and my NUC is rebooting. This sequence is repeated indefinitely and I cannot have access to the installation screens...

    If I'm downloading the 8.0.2 image from the Download page, it works without any problem and I can install LibreELEC.

    Can someone tell me if I've done something wrong or a parameter is missing for the compilation?


  • I'm using Ubuntu 16.04.2 LTS server (ubuntu-16.04.2-server-amd64.iso).

    It was a fresh install on a Virtual Machine and I applied all the different patches.

    After the upgrades, it's now Ubuntu 16.04.3 LTS (GNU/Linux 4.4.0-92-generic x86_64).

    if required, I still have the zip file that the compilation generated.

  • It's the same distro that I build official images on. Possibly a little ahead on patches but I've never paid any attention to patch levels (beyond updating when it prompts) so it's not something that should influence the outcome. Most "fail to boot" issues are about the boot media not boot content. Is the good 8.0.2 boot on the same USB stick?

  • I would like to bring additional details (may be I was not so clear in my first description of the issue - sorry).

    When I put the usb containing the image I compiled, I can access access to the setup of LibreELEC (where it format the partition and install the file on my SSD). The problem is coming when I removing the stick and rebooting.

    As mentioned previously, the NUC is booting, displaying during few second the KODI splash screen and rebooting...

    So, it seems something is wrong on the files copied in my SSD during the installation... Can you confirm?

  • gprintemps how sure are you that the NUC is rebooting, and it's not actually Kodi crashing and restarting? These are two VERY different failures.

    Assuming this is in fact Kodi crashing, then boot the NUC using your USB stick, enter the "live" mode of the installer, allow LibreELEC to start and complete the startup wizard making sure you enable ssh. Connect to the system with ssh (username: root, password: libreelec), mount your internal system disk (usually /dev/sda1, and what would normally be /flash), edit syslinux.cfg (most probably the version in EFI/BOOT) and add "ssh" to the end of the kernel command line (the line that begins "APPEND"). Save the file, then shutdown, remove the USB and boot the system normally.

    Connect to the "rebooting" system with ssh (username: root, password: libreelec) then run the following commands:

    paste $(ls -1art /storage/.kodi/temp/kodi_crashlog* | tail -1)
    journalctl -a | pastebinit

    and paste the two links.

  • First, sorry for my late answer but I didn't have access to my NUC until this morning...

    Access to the ".kodi/temp" directory, show me several things:

    - several crash_log files (one nearly each 3 to 4 seconds)

    - all the files are empty.

    - "kodi_crash.log" is pointing to a non available directory ("/storage" does not exist)

    First time I had access to "/dev/sda2", I've seen one crash_log file which was not empty.

    When I had a look on the stack trace, it shows me a issue from "libm".

    Unfortunately, I didn't copy it somewhere and, as mentioned previously, now all files are empty..


    - I think you're right, it's a kodi crash and only kodi is restarting indefinitely...

    - can you explain how to enter to the "live" mode of the installer?

  • Thanks

    Hope my understanding was correct:

    - Put LibreELEC stick / boot the NUC

    - Press TAB and enter live+<ENTER>

    Unfortunately it doesn't work (same issue: kodi splash screen is appearing and disappearing indefinitely).

    FYI, I didn't pass successfully the step where I have to setup Kodi. I'm stuck after the install of LibreELEC on my SSD...

  • Then there is something wrong with your git build. You can edit the syslinux.cfg on the USB stick to add ssh and you should then be able to ssh into the "live" version of LibreELEC and determine why it is crashing.

  • Maybe some downloaded source files were different in your case? Could you run in your LibreELEC folder

    find sources/ -type f | xargs sha256sum >shasums.txt

    and attach the file in the post. I'm curious what the compare result with mine would be :)

  • Quote

    Then there is something wrong with your git build. You can edit the syslinux.cfg on the USB stick to add ssh and you should then be able to ssh into the "live" version of LibreELEC and determine why it is crashing.

    I'm not familiar with syslinux.cfg. Can you explain how to enable ssh?

  • I already did in a previous post. You need to add "ssh" to the end of the kernel command line in syslinux.cfg (the line that begins "APPEND"). You can enable ssh when booting with "live" by adding "ssh" to the syslinux.cfg file in the root of the USB stick.