IR Problem with Alpha 7.90.003

  • Hi everybody,

    as i make the update from 7.90.002 to 7.90.003 the xbox one remote will not work. Some keys do, the most not. Even newly teach the keys was not successful.
    So I'm back to 7.90.002 and all buttons function.

    There may be a bug in 7.90.003?

    Greetings Lars

    Edited once, last by cobracio (July 10, 2016 at 4:22 PM).

  • 7.90.003 uses a new version of lirc.

    So you weren't able to try and use irrecord to record new inputs? or did you and it just didn't work with the new lircd.conf file that was created?

  • Have the same problem ^^
    (with the test builds from millhouse since he added lirc 0.9.4)


    Perhaps someone has an solution for me.
    I have a problem to get lirc working correctly with my libreelec/kodi installation.
    I use an XBOX one media remote.
    when I create an new lirc.conf with 0.9.4 the remote does nothing anymore.

    new lirc with 0.9.4
    # Please take the time to finish this file as described in
    # lirc-remotes / Wiki / Checklist
    # and make it available to others by sending it to
    # <[email protected]>
    # This config file was automatically generated
    # using lirc-0.9.4(default) on Fri Jul 8 09:26:36 2016
    # Command line used: /storage/.config/lircd.conf
    # Kernel version (uname -r): 4.7.0-rc6
    # Remote name (as of config file): devinput
    # Brand of remote device, the thing you hold in your hand:
    # Remote device model nr:
    # Remote device info url:
    # Does remote device has a bundled capture device e. g., a
    # usb dongle? :
    # For bundled USB devices: usb vendor id, product id
    # and device string (use dmesg or lsusb):
    # Type of device controlled
    # (TV, VCR, Audio, DVD, Satellite, Cable, HTPC, ...) :
    # Device(s) controlled by this remote:

    begin remote

    name devinput
    bits 32
    eps 30
    aeps 100

    header 9086 4468
    one 613 1644
    zero 613 515
    ptrail 613
    repeat 9089 2211
    gap 108680
    toggle_bit_mask 0x0
    frequency 38000

    begin codes
    KEY_POWER 0x011B26D9 0x00000000
    KEY_TAB 0x011B7689 0x00000000
    KEY_LIST 0x011BF609 0x00000000
    KEY_UP 0x011B7887 0x00000000
    KEY_LEFT 0x011B04FB 0x00000000
    KEY_RIGHT 0x011B847B 0x00000000
    KEY_DOWN 0x011BF807 0x00000000
    KEY_OK 0x011B44BB 0x00000000
    KEY_BACK 0x011BC43B 0x00000000
    KEY_CONTEXT_MENU 0x011B649B 0x00000000
    KEY_VOLUMEUP 0x011B08F7 0x00000000
    KEY_VOLUMEDOWN 0x011B8877 0x00000000
    KEY_MUTE 0x011B708F 0x00000000
    KEY_CHANNELUP 0x011B48B7 0x00000000
    KEY_CHANNELDOWN 0x011BC837 0x00000000
    KEY_PLAY 0x011B0EF1 0x00000000
    KEY_STOP 0x011B9867 0x00000000
    KEY_REWIND 0x011BA857 0x00000000
    KEY_FASTFORWARD 0x011B28D7 0x00000000
    KEY_NEXT 0x011B58A7 0x00000000
    KEY_PREVIOUS 0x011BD827 0x00000000
    end codes

    end remote

    With an old lirc Version/config (0.9.1) the remote is usable. but some buttons aren´t working anymore.

    old lirc.conf
    # Please make this file available to others
    # by sending it to <[email protected]>
    # this config file was automatically generated
    # using lirc-0.9.1-git(default) on Fri May 15 17:35:06 2015
    # contributed by
    # brand: XBOX-ONE
    # model no. of remote control:
    # devices being controlled by this remote:

    begin remote

    name "devinput"
    bits 16
    eps 30
    aeps 100

    header 9086 4468
    one 613 1644
    zero 613 515
    ptrail 613
    repeat 9089 2211
    pre_data_bits 16
    pre_data 0x11B
    gap 108680
    toggle_bit_mask 0x0

    begin codes
    KEY_POWER 0x26D9
    KEY_TAB 0x7689
    KEY_LIST 0xF609
    KEY_UP 0x7887
    KEY_LEFT 0x04FB
    KEY_RIGHT 0x847B
    KEY_DOWN 0xF807
    KEY_OK 0x44BB
    KEY_BACK 0xC43B
    KEY_MUTE 0x708F
    KEY_PLAY 0x0EF1
    KEY_STOP 0x9867
    KEY_REWIND 0xA857
    KEY_NEXT 0x58A7
    end codes

    end remote

    this is the lircmap:
    <remote device="devinput">

    and this is what I get when I use putty --> irw (with the old lirc.conf); with the new one nothing happens.

    67 0 KEY_UP devinput
    67 0 KEY_UP_UP devinput
    6c 0 KEY_DOWN devinput
    6c 1 KEY_DOWN devinput
    6c 0 KEY_DOWN_UP devinput
    6a 0 KEY_RIGHT devinput
    6a 1 KEY_RIGHT devinput
    6a 0 KEY_RIGHT_UP devinput
    69 0 KEY_LEFT devinput
    69 1 KEY_LEFT devinput
    69 0 KEY_LEFT_UP devinput
    f 0 KEY_TAB devinput
    f 1 KEY_TAB devinput
    f 0 KEY_TAB_UP devinput
    74 0 KEY_POWER devinput
    74 1 KEY_POWER devinput
    74 0 KEY_POWER_UP devinput
    72 0 KEY_VOLUMEDOWN devinput
    72 0 KEY_VOLUMEDOWN_UP devinput
    73 0 KEY_VOLUMEUP devinput
    73 0 KEY_VOLUMEUP_UP devinput

    (i pushed every button only one time)

    ps: with an old lirc version in libreelec everything was fine.

  • With the newest Version from milhouse everthing is fine again.

    #0714, 14-Jul-2016: RPi / RPi2 -- Release post (Allow lirc to process event codes >= 256; MMAL update)