RPI3 8.0.2: Reboots/Crashs - Runtime/Heat/USB-Drive Related?

  • Hi there,

    I have been using Libreelec for some time now and always used to only use the offical releases (for wife acceptance), however since Inputstream I started using the alphas, but unfortunately it looks like after all the updates my system has been getting a bit unstable. I am also using the offical kodi rpi3 case (for heat related questions!).

    Unfortunately I sometimes get reboots of the RPI3s, but unfortunately don't get a Crash Log :(

    But I can say: When it happens, the Skin resets (All Menu Items are back to default, e.g. I disabled "Music Video" which gets re-enabled). I think it might be runtime or heat related and want to ask, how I could try to pinpoint it down and fix it.

    I have been trying to pinpoint the problem, so this is what I did/tried to come to the conclusion:

    - I disabled a few addons (TV Headend Server/Client and Webgrab Plus) - since the problems started with beta 2 ( when I also started to use Webgrab Plus). With the Addons disabled everything was good again, so I re-enabled them one by one and with everything besides Webgrab Plus it works ok for 2 weeks. When re-enabling WebgrabPlus I got 3 Reboots in 2 days... So I thought it was an Addon Issue and tried to get help there and disabled it again.

    - Yesterday I loaded some vacation images (~10mb per picture) on the hard drive attached to the rpi and tried to open them - which gave me reproducable ways to get the rpi rebooting! Thats why I started to think it might be either some runtime related issue (many pictures to load) or some issue with accessing the data from the usb drive - or due to heat ( I have got a warning icon sometimes).

    2 other things happen sometimes (usually before system is getting unstable): Icons fail to load (or it take for ever to load ...) and sometimes the "clicking sound" becomes way off from what it usually is... I have no idea if this is connected, but I thought every information might help :)

    Could you please help me!?!

    Thank you,


    edit: just to be sure: I am not using any illegal addon. I am just using addons from Kodi/Librelec and Kodinerds Repo + Amazon Addon (from Sandman Repo)

  • We'll be the judge of which addons are illegal. :)

    The post text is impressive, but without any log files (kodi.log , kodi.old.log) to begin with, and no crystal ball in sight, it's anyone's guess where to start. TVH has had its issues, cheap external USB disk controllers can create havoc, corrupted sd cards will cause mayhem... The list is endless.

    Take out the sd card, and put it in another Linux machine, and get the log file(s).

  • After I re-enabled Webgrabplus it crashed again and I can no longer use my libreelec (keeps on crashing on boot).

    Is there anyway to disable webgrabplug before it crashes? Can please anybody help me?

  • Well it was fine as long as I dont open pictures or many other things at the same time (as described above).

    But now (after I enabled webgrab yesterday) I can no longer start libreelec (keeps on crashing!)

    I guess I have to re-install libreelec from scratch :(

    Edited once, last by Linkinsoldier (July 15, 2017 at 10:18 AM).

  • Mount the second partition of the pi's SD card from another Linux distro (macOS and Win can only read the first partition, not the second) to delete the folder. Then eject and reinsert the card, reboot the pi and webgrabplus is gone.

  • I was lucky... after 1 Week it started again and I could deactivate webgrabplus... now running fine again :)

    Crash logs were empty again:


    # ... output of cat /storage/.kodi/temp/kodi_crashlog_20170715085333.log

    # LibreELEC release: RPi2.arm-8.0.2




    # ... output of cat /storage/.kodi/temp/kodi_crashlog_20170704203832.log

    # LibreELEC release: RPi2.arm-8.0.2



    ############## kodi CRASH LOG ###############

    ################ SYSTEM INFO ################

    Date: Tue Jul 4 20:38:32 CEST 2017

    kodi Options: --standalone -fs --lircdev /run/lirc/lircd

    Arch: armv7l

    Kernel: Linux 4.9.29 #1 SMP Thu May 25 02:23:55 BST 2017

    Release: LibreELEC 8.0.2

    ############## END SYSTEM INFO ##############