[SOLVED] FLIRC and the KODI keyboard shortcuts

  • Please correct me if I am wrong: FLIRC could be described is a keyboard emulator. It translate signales from a infraret remote control into keyboard commands (e.g. the arrow keys, ENTER, ...) right? So KODI doesn't know that there is a remote control. It only "see" buttons pressed on a keyboard, right?

    I configured my One-4-All remote with a "Microsoft" code out of the codebook. Then I used the FLIRC software to setup each(!) key in the "KODI" key map. No problems at this point. I can definitly say that all keys on the remote are mapped in FLIRC because FLIRC gave succuess message and the button light on the remote is wokring when I press the button.

    But KODI doesn't react on all buttons (e.g. switch off, fullscreen) on the remote.

    There are a lot of keyboard shortcuts for KODI. But how can I tell FLIRC which of the shortscuts should be emulated when pressing a specific button on the remote? And before that I first would check which shortcuts does FLIRC on the current setup.

  • I won't suggest editing the xml file. I found a solution in the FLIRC forum.

    When using non-US keyboard-layout it doesn't work by default. You have to map the keys one by one. And you have to map them twice when using e.g. a One-4-All because there are always two different signals on the same button. This is described in the FLIRC help articles.

  • Can you point me to this article? Not really need it but good to know :)

    And I had to adjust xml file because I add some scripts running on key press.