Video Driver update on 6/29?

  • I was updating to the latest mullhouse drivers today to see if any progress has been made on the inability to see video oner HDMI after resume on my NUC NUC6i7KYK, and found that I get no video on any of the millhouse builds after 6/28. Builds up to and including 6/28 (LibreELEC-Generic.x86_64-8.0-Milhouse-20160628210522-#0628-gc008283.tar) work, but builds 6/29 - 7/3 (lastest as of this post) result on no video to the display.

    The system boots and I can access it over the network, but no video. Was a driver updated?

    If there is anything I can test for anyone, let me know


    Edited once, last by wallacebw (July 3, 2016 at 6:50 PM).

  • Nope, no new driver nor any other change in #0629 that would explain the new behaviour you describe.

    Upload "dmesg | paste", "journal -a | paste" and "/var/log/Xorg.0.log | paste" from #0629 in the Kodi forum thread along with a full description of the issue, as this is where the Milhouse builds are supported (and also fully documented so that you can see what is new and changed in each build).

    The Milhouse builds are not supported on the LE forum, so if you want help with a Milhouse build post on the Kodi forum.