Best settings advancedsettings.xml

  • Hello,

    I´m trying to find best settings for my advancedsettings.xml to resolve buffer issues on live streams

    At the moment i´m using the bellow settings on my MINI M8S II 2GB RAM


    What do you think?
    Can you share your own settings to compare to mine?

  • I´m trying to find best settings for my advancedsettings.xml to resolve buffer issues on live streams

    Don't go down that dead end road.
    advancedsettings.xml will not resolve buffer issues on live streams as the slow speed of the stream source is the only thing that causes buffering.
    Increasing buffer size cached in ram will only extend the playback time until buffering occurs.

  • I agree with kostaman. The buffer will only help for slight glitches.

    With testing, the maximum usable buffering I could come up (on a Cubox-i4 2G ram) was:


    If the source is reliable then look at your Wifi (if using) as that is sometimes the main issue.

  • Ok Thanks.

    For local files I'm using wired Ethernet 10/100.

    My mini m8s ii have wireless N
    N is faster than wired 100mb/s?

    I'm afraid you've been fooled by marketing - N is capable of 150/300Mbps but in reality, you'll never get anywhere near that. Is your router in single mode (20mhz) or dual mode (40mhz). If single mode, you'll be lucky to get a link speed of 72Mbps, in dual 120Mbps.

    Depending on where your box is located (How far from the router, inside a case, behind the TV etc, the Wifi reception will be reduced - your box also has a very small antenna so speed will also be reduced.

    Those figures are only the link speed, NOT what you can expect.

    Too see the current link speed from your box ssh into your box and run


    To test internet speed run this:

    curl -s | python -

    Run them a number of times and see how and when things change.

    In my setup, I bought a Wifi extender with ethernet (which bypass the internal wifi) and I get around 48Mbps, on Wifi i'm lucky to get 5Mbps

  • iwconfig don't work for me i don't know why...
    LibreELEC:~ # iwconfig
    -sh: iwconfig: not found

    speedtest results via lan connection:
    Testing download speed...............................................................................
    .Download: 91.67 Mbit/s
    Testing upload speed................................................................................................
    Upload: 94.23 Mbit/s

    Edited once, last by Rootz (May 19, 2017 at 6:00 PM).

  • iwconfig might be part of the LE addon Network tools.

    With those internet speeds, it's more than likely the source that is the issue. However, you stated earlier that you use ethernet for local files, but the problem is with live streams - so do you use ethernet for them or Wifi?

    You could increase the readfactor up to 60 but expect issues if you try to fast forward too far.

  • iwconfig might be part of the LE addon Network tools.

    With those internet speeds, it's more than likely the source that is the issue. However, you stated earlier that you use ethernet for local files, but the problem is with live streams - so do you use ethernet for them or Wifi?

    You could increase the readfactor up to 60 but expect issues if you try to fast forward too far.

    I only use ethernet for all.
    Set readfactor to 40.
    One strange thing on my advancedsettings.xml is if check kodi.log the settings are completely different.
    Can you say why?

  • I only use ethernet for all.
    Set readfactor to 40.
    One strange thing on my advancedsettings.xml is if check kodi.log the settings are completely different.
    Can you say why?

    That's a crash log from 29th April 2017.

    View current log with more /storage/.kodi/temp/kodi.log and share URL with cat /storage/.kodi/temp/kodi.log|paste