I'm trying to install a PVR (Simple) from the LibreELEC repo but it does nothing.

No install from LibreELEC repo?
karcyon -
April 5, 2016 at 10:56 AM -
Thread is Unresolved
- Official Post
do you updated from OE or fresh install ?
- Official Post
Till we have a proper fix, you can remove addon.db from the userdata/database/ folder. This fix it but you have to activate all your addons again.
Till we have a proper fix, you can remove addon.db from the userdata/database/ folder. This fix it but you have to activate all your addons again.Updated from OpenElec. I will try your suggestion. Thanks.
Edit: I did that and he really does disable all the addons and dependecies, even the default ones. I can't handle enabling all of them again lol I hope you can come up with a fix.