Wrong RPI Model after upgrade from RPi 2 to RPi 3

  • Hi there

    I've upgraded from an RPi 2 Model B to an RPi 3 Model B using LibreElec 8.0.1.
    I just insert the SD card from the RPi 2 into the RPi 3 and start the Box. Everything woorks fine, including WLAN and Bluetooth.
    Now, if i check the LibreElec Config tool, under "about" it shows RPI2.arm under point "Architecture"
    If i start the Settings panel / Systeminfo, Kodi reports

    CPU: ARMv7 Processor rev 4 (v7l)
    Processor : BCM2835
    CPU-Speed : 600MHz

    The RPi3 comes from the UK and is newest revision

    Whats going wrong here?

    Thanks for any answer

  • Are you sure it's an SD card you switched or might it be a microSD card?

    Sure it has been a microSD Card that i have switched. Sorry for that ;)

    That's just cosmetic as the build is called rpi2.arm. There is no rpi3 specific build.

    Ok so far. But why there is the wrong processor reported in System Settings?

    Edited once, last by pfleiderer (April 10, 2017 at 6:34 PM).

  • RPi3 and RPi2 are essentially the same device but RPi3 uses a newer generation of the core SoC that runs at higher clock speeds. As the hardware is so similar we can use a common kernel/OS image that supports both devices. One quirk of the Pi firmware in this configuration is that 64-bit RPi3 hardware reports itself as a 32-bit RPi2. It is possible to make RPi3 run a 64-bit image and report CPU etc. correctly but this requires you to run a different kernel configuration, and then Kodi doesn't run as nobody 64-bit ported the mountain of very highly optimised 32-bit video code that Kodi depends upon. TL;DR - it's a cosmetic issue and there's nothing to see, move along please :)

  • RPi3 and RPi2 are essentially the same device but RPi3 uses a newer generation of the core SoC that runs at higher clock speeds. As the hardware is so similar we can use a common kernel/OS image that supports both devices. One quirk of the Pi firmware in this configuration is that 64-bit RPi3 hardware reports itself as a 32-bit RPi2. It is possible to make RPi3 run a 64-bit image and report CPU etc. correctly but this requires you to run a different kernel configuration, and then Kodi doesn't run as nobody 64-bit ported the mountain of very highly optimised 32-bit video code that Kodi depends upon. TL;DR - it's a cosmetic issue and there's nothing to see, move along please :)

    Thanks for this helpful reply. Now i understand :rolleyes: