music library update crash

  • Hi,

    After upgrading to version 8 (and the same in 8.0.1), I'm getting a crash when trying to update my music library. Removing the library and re-adding it doesn't help.
    Any one have this problem? I've searched the support posts to no avail. Here's a log-file if it helps at all...

    Thanks in advance.

    Edited once, last by GDPR-3 (April 8, 2017 at 6:01 AM).

  • Code
    00:33:08.315 T:1962715264  NOTICE: ADDONS: Using repository repository.exodus
    00:33:08.315 T:1962715264  NOTICE: ADDONS: Using repository repository.tva.common
    00:33:08.315 T:1962715264  NOTICE: ADDONS: Using repository
    00:33:08.315 T:1962715264  NOTICE: ADDONS: Using repository repository.googlecode.xbmc-catchuptv-au
    00:33:08.315 T:1962715264  NOTICE: ADDONS: Using repository
    00:33:08.315 T:1962715264  NOTICE: ADDONS: Using repository

    Remove any banned/blacklisted add-ons and/or repositories from your Kodi box first. Most likely, the first two on your system. Then try again.

  • Code
    00:28:49.806 T:1615852448   ERROR: SQL: [MyMusic60.db] SQL error or missing database

    Fix your MySQL Server and/or database first.
    If it is corrupted, delete it, and start over.
    If you run it on the SD card of your box, your SD card may issues if the problem remains.