usb Wifi Dongle

  • All that I tried worked out of the box. I guess the more common chipsets should be supported. If you have a specific dongle in mind, check which chip is used and see if the kernel module and firmware is included in the image.

    Edited once, last by mmpp (March 5, 2017 at 7:27 PM).

  • ah great, just throwing the question out there before bying one, no need to uninstall the driver for the built in wifi then? Or do you choose wich network card it will use?

  • thx, for the 905X whats the name of the internal wifi? ( what the "word" to blacklist.
    Also is blacklist a must or is it just a precaution to avoid it going to the internal wifi?

  • You have to find out the internal wifi chipset

    Krypton-Box:~ # lsmod|grep wlan
    cfg80211              360934  1 wlan

    Example when module is cfg80211:

    echo "blacklist cfg80211" >> /storage/.config/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf
  • It´s an example

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