stuttering image geforce 1050

  • Hello.

    This is my HTPC

    Intel pentium G3250
    Gigabyte B85M-HD3
    4GB RAM
    Geforce 1050
    Dvbsky S952

    Libreelec 8.0

    I bought a graphics card GeForce 1050 and I have a problem.

    During playback of movies and live TV is very often stutter image. It seems to me that there is a problem with integrated controller.

    It seems to me also that the image does not have a 60Hz.

    My TV is 4K. I checked with a resolution of 3840x2160 and 1920x1080. Changed too Hz refresh but still wrong.

    In the old graphics card GeForce 620 at 1920x1080 everything was fine.

    Another problem is the lack of support hardware graphics card for movies 4K. When I turn on the video 4K HEVC is a very big stutter .

    Is anyone working on this? I know that the graphics card GeForce 1050 quite fresh but is there any chance that these problems will be fixed soon? Because if not I'll have to upload windows + kodi. I really like LibreELEC and wanted me to stay with him.

    It can help my log. -

    Please reply support

    Edited once, last by kowalmisiek (March 5, 2017 at 8:41 AM).

  • Right, then the answer is in the 4th post of that thread:

    Quote from fritsch

    There is no VDPAU 10 bit decoding support on linux as of now. Nowhere.

    Your vdpauinfo will most likely also tell that there is no support. Until ffmpeg gets 10 bit vdpau decoding support -> kodi also won't have it.

    There is experimental Kodi 4K/10-bit HEVC for VAAPI (Intel/AMD) support in some community LibreELEC builds (eg from piotrasd, fritsch) but Nvidia 10-bit support (ie. VDPAU) is not on the horizon.

    Edited once, last by milhouse (March 5, 2017 at 9:41 AM).

  • Nvidia is not supported for 4K video and stuttering video in 1920x1080. I think it remains for me nothing else. I have to give up LibreELEC :( Still 4K films left me but stuttering in Live TV and 1920x1080 do not give advice. :(