Raspberry Zero W | Wifi/BT not working

  • Hi there,

    Just bought the new Raspberry Pi Zero W, equipped with onboard Wifi and Bluetooth. Brand new, in stores for only 3 days now. Only 11 euro.

    Installed the latest LibreElec for Raspberry Zero: it works.
    But: can't get Bluetooth or Wifi to work.

    Wifi -> no setting found
    Bluetooth -> Turned on, it says "no Bluetooth adaptor found"

    Is this because the hardware is too new for the OpenElec-OS?

    Edited once, last by stoerebink (March 3, 2017 at 9:12 PM).

  • But: can't get Bluetooth or Wifi to work.
    Is this because the hardware is too new for the OpenElec-OS

    For OpenELEC certainly, with LibreELEC we are working on it and we hope to have the RPi Zero W supported with v8.0.1.
    But yeah, you are simply too quick to ask.

    BTW, as you said: this product has been in the stores for only 3 days. How fast are you expecting us to be in supporting new hardware realistically?

  • oops... i insulted you guys, unintended by saying "openelec".
    Trust me: i've been a fan of LibreElec for months now. Just a stupid slip of the keyboard. :cool:

    And my question was more about: is my hardware faulty, or is it the software? You just answered that. Thank you.

    Thanks for helping me out. And all the best for the efforts put into 8.0.1 :D

    Edited once, last by stoerebink (March 3, 2017 at 11:28 PM).

  • For OpenELEC certainly, with LibreELEC we are working on it and we hope to have the RPi Zero W supported with v8.0.1.
    But yeah, you are simply too quick to ask.

    BTW, as you said: this product has been in the stores for only 3 days. How fast are you expecting us to be in supporting new hardware realistically?


    I load Libreelec yesterday on my raspberry zero w.

    WIFI is working.

    However :

    • the PI is quite slow but without freeze. Is the last kodi version too heavy for the zero ?
    • Yatse (kodi remote from android) works fine exept for direction botton (left / right / up /down / center and back )!!

    Thanks for the work

  • Pi Zero is kind of "minimal spec" for running Kodi and is not ideal for a Kodi workhorse. There are some caching improvements that should improve the GUI navigation in large lists (e.g. library views) due in LE 8.0.1 (with Kodi 17.1). From personal experience an RPi3 with a faster clock speed and more RAM is very daily-useable; although in comparison a 3.5 year old Intel/nVidia box I have is still miles better (was 4x the price of a typical RPi3 kit at the time I acquired it though). Yatse is nothing to do with LE, if that doesn't work it's not our problem :)

  • Pi Zero is kind of "minimal spec" for running Kodi and is not ideal for a Kodi workhorse. There are some caching improvements that should improve the GUI navigation in large lists (e.g. library views) due in LE 8.0.1 (with Kodi 17.1). From personal experience an RPi3 with a faster clock speed and more RAM is very daily-useable; although in comparison a 3.5 year old Intel/nVidia box I have is still miles better (was 4x the price of a typical RPi3 kit at the time I acquired it though). Yatse is nothing to do with LE, if that doesn't work it's not our problem :)

    I think you're right, the yaste issue is probaly due to the GUI lags. Direct command (ie update library) are working well.

    I liked the idea of running Kodi on the rasp zero. It works well with kodi 16... It was kind of pure. With the rasp zero w, the awfull wifi dongle was deseapering...

    Thanks again for the work, I'll follow the update.

    PS : I never saw more than 50 % of the memory used on my rasp zero.