VNC Client BlackScreen when playing video!

  • Hi Thanks a lot for this addon.
    I'm trying to have a VNC connection between ODROID C2 and MAC OS - IOS - ANDROID - WINDOWS - LINUX
    I can't move forward if I can't use VNC at 100%.
    Installation is fast. Connection wonderful! But when I press enter on one video addon to play the video on the server side ( on the machine ) I don't have problem showing the video playing but on my client side a BLACKSCREEN is showing and I can't see nothing and also I can't press any button from the keyboard and only ENTER is working.
    If I stop the playing video I can come back to the GUI of KODI and remote everything perfectly again.
    I really really need help, please.
    I was trying with Dietpi Kodi - Hardkernel Ubuntu KODI and now with librelec without success.
    I would like to know if it is only my problem, please.
    Have a nice day and thanks for the reply!

  • VNC server will not show hardware decoded video.

    Thanks a lot kszaq!
    Ok this is true for Odroid C2 but for Intel 2807 NUC is not!!!
    From my Intel NUC I can see VNC Server also playing the movies or the Video Addons video video acceleration enabled.
    You are very expert on this so can you tell me why?

  • I'm not an expert.

    Aml-vnc server is a very simple app that grabs framebuffer content and passes it to libvnc library. It cannot grab video frames from decoder.

  • I'm not an expert.

    Aml-vnc server is a very simple app that grabs framebuffer content and passes it to libvnc library. It cannot grab video frames from decoder.

    Do you have any suggestion?
    For example: when I need to see the video addon playing I must to go to setting and disable the acceleration. When I finished it I must enable acceleration settings again.
    What do you think?

  • But how is possible if Kszaq is saying that the amlogic vnc doesn't pass video from the hardware acceleration?
    Are you decoding from the hardware?
    I'm REALLY interesting in this, please!

    Because I picked the first video in my films list, which happens to be one that was software-decoded.