Problem Compiling LibreELEC 8.0.0

  • I'm trying to compile libreELEC 8.0.0 and I'm always getting compilation errors.
    I tried to compile libreELEC on LinuxMint 17.3, LinuxMint 18 and Ubuntu Server 16.10 and the compilation process always fails on libcec compilation.
    I have checked out tag 8.0.0.
    Compilation errors

  • First i cloned the repo using git clone. Then I checked out the libreelec-8.0 branch executing: git checkout libreelec-8.0. And then I moved the head to tag 8.0.0 with the command: git checkout tags/8.0.0

  • I build official images on Ubuntu 16.04. In theory it should work on other versions/distros, but as long as it works on 16.04 myself and others on staff never look any further at compatibility.

  • Try

    git clone
    git reset --hard 8.0.0

    I cloned the repo again and reset to tag 8.0.0, now the compilation error in libcec is gone, but I get another error:


  • The problem was in my old options file in the home folder. After I replaced the file with the new options file and made my changes in the new file the problem disappeared.