hi yall
i have some philipsHue lights & openHAB ... so i thought how awesome would it be to control them from kodi ... i didnt want the openHab addon in the kodi repo that lets you navigate the entire sitemap. i hand rolled an addon so i could control each light by a keypress. i mapped it to some buttons... and that's when the fun started...
im making use of the keyPad, so 1 = everything, 2 = the office, 3 = the livingRoom...
it works when im in the kodi UI. i see this in the logs
23:38:04.383 T:1962676224 DEBUG: OnKey: 203 (0xcb, obc52) pressed, action is runscript(script.openHab.lights,officelamp)
23:38:05.036 T:1962676224 DEBUG: OnKey: 202 (0xca, obc53) pressed, action is runscript(script.openHab.lights,Light_kitchen_sink)
23:38:06.516 T:1962676224 DEBUG: OnKey: 200 (0xc8, obc55) pressed, action is runscript(script.openHab.lights,livingRoomLight)
however when something is playing, i have to double-click each button ? this is what i see in the log
23:46:01.933 T:1962676224 DEBUG: OnKey: 199 (0xc7, obc56) pressed, action is Number8
23:46:02.717 T:1962676224 DEBUG: OnKey: 199 (0xc7, obc56) pressed, action is runscript(script.openHab.lights,Light_livingRoom_One)
my keymap
# cat ~/.kodi/userdata/keymaps/custom.xml
<!-- and the rest -->
i also tried with key-codes, but that made no difference
if i kill lircd, my log then shows these buttons as numpadone/numpadtwo/numpadthree and i don't need to douplePress during playback... but this is not ideal as i would have to kill lircd from autostart.sh & also redo the rest of my customKeymap.xml. (i have another addon that runs with the "start" button, which is <key id="0x25"> with lircd and meta-0 without ... i couldn't figured out how to map that)
any ideas why its only catching the right command on the 2nd press during playback ?
on the same vein (with lircd) 9 is not the next "obc" in sequence ? and i can't figure out how to map that either
23:38:39.583 T:1962676224 DEBUG: OnKey: 206 (0xce, obc49) pressed, action is Number1
23:38:42.700 T:1962676224 DEBUG: OnKey: 205 (0xcd, obc50) pressed, action is Number2
23:38:45.750 T:1962676224 DEBUG: OnKey: 204 (0xcc, obc51) pressed, action is Number3
23:38:48.867 T:1962676224 DEBUG: OnKey: 203 (0xcb, obc52) pressed, action is Number4
23:38:51.583 T:1962676224 DEBUG: OnKey: 202 (0xca, obc53) pressed, action is Number5
23:38:55.067 T:1962676224 DEBUG: OnKey: 201 (0xc9, obc54) pressed, action is Number6
23:38:58.216 T:1962676224 DEBUG: OnKey: 200 (0xc8, obc55) pressed, action is Number7
23:39:06.451 T:1962676224 DEBUG: OnKey: 199 (0xc7, obc56) pressed, action is Number8
23:39:12.167 T:1962676224 DEBUG: OnKey: record (0xc6) pressed, action is Number9
i've tried both of these with no luck ?
- global > keyboard > "<key id=0xc6>"
- global > keyboard > "<record>
this is my remote
# lsusb
Bus 001 Device 005: ID 05a4:9881 Ortek Technology, Inc. IR receiver [VRC-1100 Vista MCE Remote Control]
one of these (that's so old none of the buttons have labels anymore :))
PS: rPi 3 + LE 8