Freeze during TVHeadend channel sync

  • Hi,

    i got a problem while connectin my TVHeadend from an external system. Not a local TVHeadend!
    The same configuration worked fine with OpenElec 6.0.3. After the update it doesn't work

    My Hardware:
    - Asus S1-AT5NM10E Barebone Atom- ION-

    My Software:
    - Generic.x86_64-7.0.1
    - HTS Tvheadend 4.1-2126~g60e0227~trusty on Ubunutu Server 14.04
    - TVHeadend HTSP Client 2.2.15

    I also tried to remove the PVR configuration and and recreated the config, doesn't work.

    I just enabled the debug logging for the HTSP Client and Kodi itself. Then it worked fine for a single time. after restart, i got the same freeeze.

    In the log i can not find any interessing. This are the latest logs:

    Any idea?

  • Probably you should show the full log on pastebin and/or look at the kodi.old.log file, too

    What do you mean with 'freeze'? Does Kodi get unresponsive or does the system hang completely. Try if you are able to ssh in if it 'freezes'. If you are able then grab the log exactly from that point and probably a dmesg.

  • Probably you should show the full log on pastebin and/or look at the kodi.old.log file, too

    What do you mean with 'freeze'? Does Kodi get unresponsive or does the system hang completely. Try if you are able to ssh in if it 'freezes'. If you are able then grab the log exactly from that point and probably a dmesg.

    Just Kodi is freezed, i can connect to SSH.

    Now i made some more tests. When i delete data from EPG and channels i can connect and watch TV via TVheadend without problems. But after reboot, same problem ... freeze.

    I enabled TV and started TV, wokred. See Kodi.old.log: Ktnai524

    Then i rebooted, see kodi.log: WvP261xV