Spotify Connect Web Not working

  • thread-1206.html?highlight=spotify

    I got my API key, installed it all according to everything.

    When I go to select the Audio device and choose any audio device, I get no option to choose a default mixer, and the addon never loads.

    HOWEVER, If I plug in a USB headset into my Minix U1 S905 box, then I choose the USB headset, I can pick a software mixer, the addon loads and I can stream from any device to my Kodi box, but the sound only comes from my USB headset obviously.

    So the addon is quite capable of working, but something with the ALSA default HDMI driver doesn't load a proper software mixer or something along those lines.

    any ideas?

    photos upload

    Edited once, last by GeToChKn (February 26, 2017 at 4:54 PM).