[SOLVED] LE8.0 | CuBox-i4-pro | No S/PDIF sound

  • Hi All,

    Had a look through the forums, Google, LE8 release notes and the Kodi Audio Quickstart guide but can't seems to get any sound out via S/PDIF. For the record, it works OK via HDMI.

    Dmesg seems to indicate that it is detected OK, and I've tried both the 'default' option and selecting S/PDIF manually. Have also enabled passthrough to see if it makes a difference but nothing. I had the same issue when I tried one of the beta builds and just downgraded back to 7.0.2 and it worked again, so I'm ruling out broken hardware.

    CuBox:~ # dmesg | grep spdif
    [    2.218517] imx-spdif sound-spdif: snd-soc-dummy-dai <-> 2004000.spdif mapping ok
    [    2.246172] ALSA device list:
    [    2.246187]   #0: imx-spdif
    [    2.246193]   #1: imx-hdmi-soc

    Any ideas, and any other log files I can sift through to find an answer?

    Much appreciated.

    Edited once, last by r0nnybums (March 2, 2017 at 3:09 PM).

  • I checked spdif only when I add it. I assume this was for LE7. But didn't checked on LE8. Will do over weekend.
    I found 10 minutes free time and check this: it works fine for me. Hope I connected everything correctly :P If I unplug spdif cable then sound is lost. When plug back sound is back too. Test successful.

    And I was using official image with 4.4 kernel. With modified connector to correctly plug it in.

    Edited once, last by vpeter (February 23, 2017 at 5:49 PM).

  • I checked spdif only when I add it. I assume this was for LE7. But didn't checked on LE8. Will do over weekend.
    I found 10 minutes free time and check this: it works fine for me. Hope I connected everything correctly :P If I unplug spdif cable then sound is lost. When plug back sound is back too. Test successful.

    Cheers vpeter - appreciate what you do to bring LibreElec to i.MX 6 devices.

  • Might not be relevant but what version of LE 8 are you using? vpeters 3.14 kernel?
    Also, have you got the small toslink connector - most normal ones are too large to fit in the cubox with modification. It gives the impression that it is connected, but is not.

  • Might not be relevant but what version of LE 8 are you using? vpeters 3.14 kernel?
    Also, have you got the small toslink connector - most normal ones are too large to fit in the cubox with modification. It gives the impression that it is connected, but is not.

    No, just the official one. And yes I've got the toslink connector as I ran into that issue as well.

    Next step the 3.14 build then you think?
    OK - Popped the 3.14 Kernel version (form here: Index of /imx6-solidrun-kernel-3.14/) into the 'update' share and rebooted and it's working fine now.

    Interesting that yours works OK vpeter - is it a CuBox you have or another device? Either way - appreciate the 3.14 build.

    Edited once, last by r0nnybums (February 23, 2017 at 7:32 PM).

  • I've stayed on LE 7.90.010 as anything above seems to have issues. I'm not fussed about upgrading to 8 as this release works for me.

    vpeters 3.14 image can be downloaded from Index of /imx6-solidrun-kernel-3.14/

    I did try this release but noticed a few annoying "clicks" on TV Shows, which I hadn't noticed before, but didn't follow up as I had other more pressing uses for my Cubox.

    BTW: Mine is also black and cube shaped :) albeit with a slight imperfection around the spdif input (caused by a 12mm drill in a moment of frustration)