CEC key repeat settings for LibreELEC 8

  • After trying the current LE 8 alpha (7.90.002) I found that the settings for key repeats are missing from the CEC configuration. So I would like to know whether these are gone for good, or if they will be added back.

  • It's a known but currently unresolved issue. It affects all/most remotes and is not CEC specific.

    AFAIK the known bug is that keys won't repeat. In my case it's the other way around, where most keys are repeated at least once, even on very short key presses. But that's a bug with my TV relaying the signals for to long, and affects other CEC devices as well.

    With the above mentioned settings I could adjust it on earlier builds, so CEC was usefull again, that is why I asked for them.

  • IIRC there are currently 5 different CEC implementations in use by LibreELEC. So before not somebody of you will come to the idea to mention the hardware that is in use, there will be no activiy to try to solve the problem.


  • IIRC there are currently 5 different CEC implementations in use by LibreELEC. So before not somebody of you will come to the idea to mention the hardware that is in use, there will be no activiy to try to solve the problem.


    I'm using a RPi3. But as I posted above the actual issue is not with LE, instead it is with my TV, and I'm simply missing the settings: "Remote button press delay before repeating" and "Remote button press repeat rate/time" in the configuration for the CEC input device.

    Edit: Ok, just checked 7.90.003 and the settings are there. But this time I can't prevent the unwanted key repeats with them, here is a debug log: QfGe

    Edited once, last by Grimson (July 16, 2016 at 3:31 PM).