howto sort channels?

  • Hi,

    I'm trying LibreELEC 7.95.3 with PVR & Live TV.
    What is the best way to sort channels?
    I've searched for channels in General -> PVR Live TV and found nearly 1000 channels (DVB-S2). Now I want to filter these channels and I opened group manager, added a new group and all inserted all needed channels from ungrouped channels list to my new group.
    Ok, that's fine but how can I sort channels in my group?


  • And we should guess what kind of backend you are using? ;)

    Do you use TVH or VDR?

    For TVH you have the option to sort the channels via the webinterface. VDR has it's own "client specific settings" under Live-TV and PVR settings.

    But to provide more help, we need more info

  • Oh sorry, I use the default one in LibreELEC 8 - VDR. Thanks, now I found the "client specific settings" and I see that one can sort channels by marking a channel and moving it to a new location. Unfortunately that is very unhandy with 1000 channels. I tried grouping the few channels I need and it would be more handy to sort this group than all 1000 channels. But unfortunately there is no option to sort groups in the VDR "client specific settings".
    What file is used to store the grouped channels list? Maybe I can sort the file directly...

    Edited once, last by orclex (February 23, 2017 at 7:39 AM).