when I go to backup system, I can't get to root folder

  • When I go to backup the system, it only displays my repositories and settings folders. How do I get it to show the root folders? There is no "..." to drill back up with.

    • Official Post

    The Backup function only covers the most important folders in the storage (data) partition. The other folders will be auto-created by Kodi if necessary.

    The root folder will not be shown as the LibreELEC system is stored on a read-only system partition. Those files will not be backupped by the Backup/Restore function. If you want a full disk image, I suggest using tools like CloneZilla.

  • Have you enabled "show parent folder items" in Kodi settings? .. that's what normally controls the presence of .. navigation

    I have. I have replicated the settings I used on my OpenElec Kodi. It's as though I hit the drill up too many times and can't get back.

  • I have. I have replicated the settings I used on my OpenElec Kodi. It's as though I hit the drill up too many times and can't get back.

    I had the same problem using RPI1 but this worked worked for me.
    Go to system/appearance/file list and enable "show hidden files and directories" Try backing up again in LibreElec.
    Click on System and Kodi Backup then click OK on the screen that pops up. The backup process should then begin immediately placing the backup file in your LibreElec backup folder.