v7.95.3 RPi Zero HDMI CEC issues

  • Hi,
    my hardware:
    Raspberry Pi Zero connected to my TV soundbar and then soundbar goes to my TV.
    it used to be okay in v7.95.1 and earlier versions. When I turned on RPi it turns on my TV and then TV remote could control Kodi.
    With v7.95.3 things have changed. Now when I turn on RPi it turns on TV but never pick up my TV remote. I have to turn on TV first manually
    and then turn on RPi then it picks up TV remote...


  • Yes I have the same issue since upgrading to 7.95.3 it seems there must have been some changes to the CEC code. It no longer wakes the soundbar when the remote powers on the TV, and CEC to the TV is then broken, and is resolved by restarting.

    I have a RPi3 so it must be affecting a number of people.

  • CEC settings haven't changed, that is my setting as well. The only thing that changed was the LE update which broke CEC for me on the RPi3 when powering on the TV, CEC does not function. I don't have another TV to test with, so not sure if it's related to the type of CEC in the TV which is broken in this update, or if all CEC is broken in the RPi since this update.
    Debug logs shows the following when a power off the TV and switch it back on:

    08:07:05.766 T:1832907680 DEBUG: GetMappingForDevice - device (2708:1001) mapped to CEC Adapter (type = cec)
    08:07:05.767 T:1832907680 DEBUG: InitialiseFeature - using libCEC v4.0.1
    08:07:05.767 T:1832907680 DEBUG: Initialise - initialised peripheral on 'RPI' with 2 features and 0 sub devices
    08:07:05.767 T:1799353248 DEBUG: Thread CECAdapter start, auto delete: false
    08:07:05.767 T:1832907680 NOTICE: Register - new cec device registered on cec->RPI: CEC Adapter (2708:1001)
    08:07:05.767 T:1799353248 DEBUG: OpenConnection - opening a connection to the CEC adapter: RPI
    08:07:05.767 T:1832907680 DEBUG: Thread PeripBusCEC 1832907680 terminating
    08:07:05.768 T:1807741856 DEBUG: CecLogMessage - Broadcast (F): osd name set to 'Broadcast'
    08:07:05.768 T:1807741856 ERROR: CecLogMessage - RegisterLogicalAddress - vc_cec_set_logical_address(E) returned invalid arg (8)
    08:07:05.768 T:1807741856 ERROR: CecLogMessage - Open - vc_cec could not be initialised
    08:07:05.768 T:1807741856 ERROR: CecLogMessage - could not open a connection (try 1)

    I spotted a termination and the log file for the crash log is here - ############### STACK TRACE ################# =====> Core file: /storage/.cach - Pastebin.com

    Edited once, last by stream (February 14, 2017 at 9:18 PM).

  • Hi everyone :)
    This is my 1st post here, and i've got the same problem with L.E v7.95.3 on my RPi2 and my old (but still good) Sony Bravia 42'
    CEC works until i change to another source (tv or ISP box). When I go back on L.E, CEC is frozen a long time.
    It didn't work yesterday evening, but was back this morning after a good sleep :dodgy: