LE8 - ALSA configuration file

  • I am testing the LE8 alpha build on my RPI2 and so far all is working as expected. Thanks for that great work!
    In my setup I am using KODI and MPD (as plugin) together in that way, that audio from KODI is played via HDMI and audio from mpd is played via the analog audio out.
    In OE i configured alsa the following way:

    amixer cset numid=3 1
    alsactl -f /storage/.config/sound.conf store

    So far the first command is working as expected and mpd sound is played via analog out. Unfortunately, the second command which then should save the actual alsa configuration gives an error message. I figured out, that actually the configuration file "sound.conf" is not existing in the given directory.

    So how do I change and especially store my ALSA configuration in LE (8)?

    Thanks for your help and keep on with your great work

  • Which error message?

    This is the message:

    alsactl: get_control:256: Cannot read control '3,0,0,Playback Channel Map,0': No such device

    The configuration is not stored, after rebooting the Pi, sound from mpd is played via HDMI again, until amixer settings are applied again.

  • Could be a solution/workaround. I will try this evening ...

    But nonetheless, why the alsa sound.conf file (which also contains other alsa settings like e.g. standard start volume) is missing/has been removed.

    By the way ... does somebody understand the error message. For me it seems, that this is (not only) related to the missing sound.conf. file.

    Thanks for you help

  • Kodi introduced AudioEngine about 3 versions back which enumerates the hardware itself and negates the need for asound.conf files. Hence there's no need for one in the default image. It's only needed in niche use-cases like yours. If the file has to exist before that command can save to it, just "touch /storage/.config/asound.conf" and carry on..

  • I now used the autostart.sh solution which works for me. But thanks chewitt for the further information on this topic.

    Whish you a nice weekend and happy EM watching (in case you like soccer ...)

    Best, Lars