kodi restart when i start a video

  • I have, RPi2 + LibreELEC 7.0.1

    When I start some videos, shows up a black screen. after 3 sec, kodi restart.


    15:32:54 10859.416016 T:840151968   ERROR: CMMALRenderer::init_vout Failed to vout enable input port (status=1 ENOMEM)
    15:32:54 10859.416016 T:840151968   ERROR: OutputPicture - failed to configure renderer

    those files that make kodi crash:

    i dont know if is a video or audio(hevc 6 channels) problem

  • debug logging was disabled, but I saw you have some of those banned repositories installed. Remove those first. Best would be, to do a factory reset or a fresh install.

    For the factory reset:

    SSH in and do the following command:

    mv /storage/.kodi /storage/kodi-bak

    Then restart your device. All settings and addons are "gone" but backuped in the "kodi-bak"-folder. So we are able to restore them easily, if you want that.

    You could also do a hard reset via the guy and the LibreELEC settings addon.

    After all those repositories are removed, please try again and then provide a new logfile this way if you still have issues:

    HOW TO:Provide Logfile - LibreELEC

  • your log doesn't contain any h.265 video codec.

    What might be interesting is, what happened between that time and why you get a permission denied error. You should fix that too:


    07:10:57 T:139703077926976 NOTICE: Details: Total Axis: 4 Total Hats: 1 Total Buttons: 12
    23:14:45 T:139702699284224 ERROR: SMBDirectory->GetDirectory: Unable to open directory : 'smb://HOMENAS/Multimedia'
    unix_err:'d' error : 'Permission denied'

    The movie which seems to fail is h.264:

    Beside the fact, that the log is 3 days long (following the timestamps) you should reboot sometimes, your logfile isn't a debuglog:

    07:10:56 T:139703077926976 NOTICE: Disabled debug logging due to GUI setting. Level

    So either change to a nightly build and test if your problem is already solved or provide a logfile like the way I explained in the link above.

  • Thanks for your help
    here's what I did
    1) Reboot
    2) Enable debug log
    3) Launch fautly file

    Here's my Kodi.log

    Thanks again
    Tried to read the log,
    seems like the HEVC profile is not supported. I have not found yet how to determine used profile and supported one.


    12:25:07 T:140494406055680 DEBUG: ffmpeg[7FC7672A7700]: [hevc] Unknown HEVC profile: 0
    12:25:07 T:140494406055680 DEBUG: Previous line repeats 1 times.
    12:25:07 T:140494406055680 DEBUG: ffmpeg[7FC7672A7700]: [hevc] Invalid default display window