RemoteControl repeats(holding down button) don't work (7.90.001 ALPHA) > works in LE7

  • Hey,

    - Intel NUC D54250WYK (Haswell i5)
    - libreELEC 7.90.001 ALPHA (aka LE8 Alpha) (tested both clean setup and restored setup)

    - Infrared receiver (both integrated one and Microsoft external USB as alternative)
    - tested both Standard Philips MCE + Xbox One Media Remote

    While the complete setup works great with 7.90.001 ALPHA (including TVH Live-TV!), one things appears to be broken compared to LE7:

    While holding down a remote control button (UP or DOWN for example), the the keypress gets not repeated, so you have to do scrolling (for example) row by row, one button press at a time.

    Remote Control Key repeating worked fine in LE7 (stable + git) and also does on Standalone KODI 17 Nightly (f9d5614) on Windows (which i tested to gather more info).

    Great work - just switched from OE and really like how the new "project direction" feels...

    Edited once, last by uselibreelec (June 5, 2016 at 9:07 PM).

  • Thanks for the info!

    Reverting back so 4.4.7 seems to help according to you builds-thread? If so, i will just try to compile libreELEC git master and only revert the kernel to 4.4.7. Any objections?

    Side question: Is there an intentional reason why KODi itself did not get a update in libreELEC master since ~1 month? (Just curious)

    Edited once, last by uselibreelec (June 6, 2016 at 1:42 PM).

  • Tried to compile with 4.4.7 (reverted packages/linux/ to 4.4.7 and restored the 4.4.7 patches-folder)

    Linux itselfs compiles fine, but because of other changes the build seems to fail at "build.LibreELEC-Generic.x86_64-8.0-devel/xf86-video-nvidia-361.42/kernel"

    Well... i'll wait then and just hope the 4.6 kernel will be fixed sometime :)

  • Side question: Is there an intentional reason why KODi itself did not get a update in libreELEC master since ~1 month? (Just curious)

    Yes, LE master will be updated when Kodi master bumps to 17alpha3 or 17beta1 or whatever their next tagged version is - LE is tracking only the tagged releases. If you want bleeding edge Kodi master in LE master you'll need to take matters into your own hands.

  • Thanks. I did update the KODI version myself in the past while compiling OE. Will try that if i feel the need to

    At this moment the kernel-caused broken button repeat is the only thing i'm really missing.

    What about kernel 4.7 RC2? Are you aware if things got fixed there? I'd be happy to try if i had a working build with 4.7.

    Thanks again!


    Alternative: Is there an (relatively) easy way to find out how i revert LE git master to 4.4.7 myself. As said, i did revert linux and restored the 4.4.7 patches folder - but it failed at another point as mentioned above.

    make clean has been done before compiling, of course.

    Edited once, last by uselibreelec (June 6, 2016 at 11:08 PM).

  • To revert to 4.4.7 you need to revert all the kernel-related commits that have been added since 4.4.7, including those commits for packages (such as nvidia-drivers) needed for them to build against 4.6.x, as these additions may now mean those packages no longer build against 4.4.7. It's possible to go back to 4.4.7 with a bit of effort, but a lot of work just to fix auto-repeat.

    We'll switch to 4.7-rc once it becomes usable, currently there are some graphics issues.

  • Great - thanks for the confirmation.

    I now removed the two 4.6-added RTL-driver-patches, reverted the nvidia and nvidia-legacy 4.6-changes and generic linux config file. The 4.6 connman patch already has been removed in the meantime. (afaics)

    Looks like that's it for my generic x86 build. No errors. LE master with 4.4.7 - repeats working again!

  • Sorry to ask something again

    While mission "master+4.4.7" was a total success, i tried to go a step further and used latest KODI git master for my LE build (as is did before when compiling OE many weeks ago)

    I can use latest KODI git master and compile without errors, but only when i remove:

    - kodi-100.10-handle-SIGTERM.patch
    - kodi-999.10-aarch64-support.patch

    Since i'm interested in learning further basics - is there anything i can do to myself fix those two patches so they can be compiled successfully with KODI git master?

    First clue:
    - Removal of "kodi-999.10-aarch64-support.patch" shouldn't matter for my temporary build, since it's ARM-stuff and i use x86? Is that correct?
    - But what about " kodi-100.10-handle-SIGTERM.patch"?

    Edited once, last by uselibreelec (June 7, 2016 at 1:52 PM).

  • I can use latest KODI git master and compile without errors, but only when i remove:

    - kodi-100.10-handle-SIGTERM.patch
    - kodi-999.10-aarch64-support.patch

    When using latest Kodi master you need to apply the following two patches on top of LE master:

    00_fix_k17_SIGTERM.txt #Fix SIGTERM patch after PR9748
    00_kodi_cmake.txt #Fix cmake after PR9750

    and remove the following file from LE:

    packages/mediacenter/kodi/patches/kodi-999.10-aarch64-support.patch #Merged upstream

  • Thanks. Almost there!

    cmake patch for filename change to kodiConfig.cmake makes sense - if it's not applied there's obviously an error that the old filename could not be found.

    That being said, while applying the patch, the build then gives this (strange) error:

    (Don't wonder about the KODI version, i just replaced the files inside the sources/kodi/ compressed file like i did back in OE-days...)

    Edited once, last by uselibreelec (June 8, 2016 at 5:55 PM).

  • Tried a little something:

    Upgraded " kodi-platform" and "peripheral.joystick" to git-master. These both failed at compile (i guess because of the filename changes? Would that make sense? (would be nice to know for learning purposes))

    Cleaned build dirs again - now - with this two package updates - build completes without errors!

    Edited once, last by uselibreelec (June 9, 2016 at 1:00 AM).

  • Any news on this? Would still be interesting to know if there are indications that kernel 4.7 may be fixing the problem. Thanks :)

    Side question:
    While getting a little more into compiling stuff, i mainly wonder why the few FernetMenta VideoPlayer patches (which are included in your "Millhouse build")
    Comparing xbmc:9248a82331e5311...FernetMenta:585587fc07bba2a · xbmc/xbmc · GitHub
    are still not included in KODI git master. Is there a reason for that? I mean: Regular way seems to be: test, PR, merge with git master?

  • Yes, i know that it is like that usually - but these VideoPlayer-patches are half a year old now and there seems no PR-talk about them on github whatsoever. So i'm kind of curious. They look kind of forgotten or abandoned. :)

  • Side question:
    While getting a little more into compiling stuff, i mainly wonder why the few FernetMenta VideoPlayer patches (which are included in your "Millhouse build")
    Comparing xbmc:9248a82331e5311...FernetMenta:585587fc07bba2a · xbmc/xbmc · GitHub
    are still not included in KODI git master. Is there a reason for that? I mean: Regular way seems to be: test, PR, merge with git master?

    The first of those commits, "python: use kodi provided cert if available" is submitted as a PR, python: use kodi provided cert if available by FernetMenta · Pull Request #9424 · xbmc/xbmc · GitHub - once it merges it will disappear from the FernetMenta branch. The remaining commits may or may not become pull requests, but as Fernet is the main developer for VideoPlayer I'm happy to trust he knows what he's doing and that he has plans for those commits.