Slow photo viewing, how can make thumbnail in other storage?

  • I have Amlogic S905 box with libreelec.
    I store my photos in my nas, and connect via cifs with user only read possibility due security reason, because I afraid from accidentally delete the photos.
    but when I try to view photos, kodi always make some database, what is more then 10 minutes long.
    After that can I browsing photos, but the after view 3-4 photo it hangs.

    I try disabled at kodi making thumbnails in pictures settings, but no luck.

    What is wrong?
    Or how can I configure kodi to making thumbnails to other directory, what have write possibility?


  • There is still a memory leak problem in S905-like devices, and maybe it also affects photo viewing. Problem is, the memleak problem is a pretty stubborn one to fix.

    Simply writing thumbnails into a different directory is not really an option, since Kodi design makes them be created on the local device.
    Also, don't doublepost your topic into separate threads. If a topic needs moving, just ask.
    This topic will be moved to the AMlogic section.

  • There is still a memory leak problem in S905-like devices, and maybe it also affects photo viewing. Problem is, the memleak problem is a pretty stubborn one to fix.

    Simply writing thumbnails into a different directory is not really an option, since Kodi design makes them be created on the local device.
    Also, don't doublepost your topic into separate threads. If a topic needs moving, just ask.
    This topic will be moved to the AMlogic section.

    It is not only S905 problem, i tryed with windows 10 64 bit, and kodi 16.1 with the same result.
    Collect photo information took already 10 minutes, and after seeing 1-2 photos, error.
    Every time, when i go to photo directory, make 10 minute long collecting information, and when i click to one picture, then error.
    With windows explorer, and picture viewer i haver no problems.

    Edited once, last by envagyok (February 2, 2017 at 11:02 AM).