Video stuttering when the subtitle show first time.

  • Hello there,

    It was happened all .srt subtitles (internal/external)

    It is not a too much stuttering, only about 0.5 sec... and it happened that the first line of subtitle appear... and if happened that some time (about 1-2 min) no subtitle.

    If the subtitle is continous, no stuttering.

    My hardware: RPi2
    LibreELEC: 7.95.1 BETA (but it was happened the stable version)

    It is fully clean install, no Add-ons and everything is fully default settings.

  • You're about the only one complaining about this, so there must be something different with your setup.
    Upload a full kodi log file just to check.

    Alternatively, start with a fully fresh installation. Or perhaps renaming your guisettings.xml file is a good start.
    Any other details we should know of? Like additional hardware such as AVRs, soundbars, TV/monitor..?

    Edited once, last by Klojum (January 30, 2017 at 10:52 PM).