I'm using LibreElec 7.95.1 Generic x86_64
My System is a AM1 motherboard with AMD Kabini (Seprom 2650 with Radeon R3 APU)
I have 2 problems.
- I'm not sure if the standard Xorg confirguration is the correct one for my system.
- GPU and CPU temps are incorrect.
I see this at /etc/X11/xorg-radeon.conf:
LibreELEC:/etc/X11 # cat xorg-radeon.conf
Section "Device"
Identifier "AMD Graphics"
Driver "radeon"
# uncomment the following options to use DRI3 and glamor, otherwise DRI2 and exa
# Option "DRI3" "1"
# Option "AccelMethod" "glamor"
But at Xorg logs...
LibreELEC:~ # cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log | grep -i DRI3
[4042216.828] (**) RADEON(0): DRI3 enabled
So I'm using DRI3 + GLAMOR? not DRI2 and exa as specified in the xorg-radeon.conf comment?
Is the correct/better configuration for my GPU?
LibreELEC:~ # lspci
00:01.0 VGA compatible controller: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI] Kabini [Radeon HD 8240 / R3 Series]
Also receive incorrect temperatures in the system information.
CPU and GPU show 1ºC
How can I get usefully information to fix this problem?