[DONE] ( building 64bit

  • kszaq

    I have often built 64bit LE using following simple recipe

    git clone https://github.com/kszaq/LibreELEC.tv.git
    cd LibreELEC.tv
    git checkout -b (or older tag)
    PROJECT=S905 ARCH=aarch64 make -j13 image

    from the moment only 32bit images were available I had to do (as you kindly told)

    cp projects/S905/linux/linux.arm.conf projects/S905/linux/linux.aarch64.conf
    rm projects/S905/patches/Python/*

    but, from onward I have several issues building 64bit LE

    - for example aarch64-linux-gnu-gcc not found
    (which I hack by linking aarch64-libreelec-linux-gnueabi-xxx to aarch64-linux-gnu-xxx in build.LibreELEC-S905.aarch64-7.0-devel/toolchain/bin)

    - but eventually I run into funny errors such as in xbmc:
    [Fatal Error] classXBMCAddon_1_1xbmcgui_1_1ControlSpin.xml:58:271: XML document structures must start and end within the same entity.

    What I would like to request from you:

    Can you, moving forward, keep repository such that you check if 64bit continues to build.
    If it does build for you, then it should also for others.

    Thank you very very much for your amazing work !

    Edited once, last by Nofan Tasi (January 30, 2017 at 9:36 PM).

  • I have pushed an updated Python patch to my libreelec-7.0 branch (updated by Raybuntu) so that you won't have to remove Python patches when building for aarch64. I will do the same in libreelec-8.0 branch.

    For kernel config you can simply create a symlink in linux folder linux.aarch64.conf -> linux.arm.conf so that with every pull/checkout it will link to latest kernel config.

    The build issues you are facing seem to be your machine-specific, I didn't push any changes that could break building in that way.

    Unfortunately I cannot check building for aarch64 every time as I don't have enough resources to do that - I compile on my laptop and building for different arch requires a whole new build folder that consumes quite a few GBs. That said I try not to do any changes that can break aarch64.

  • I have pushed an updated Python patch to my libreelec-7.0 branch (updated by Raybuntu) so that you won't have to remove Python patches when building for aarch64. I will do the same in libreelec-8.0 branch.

    For kernel config you can simply create a symlink in linux folder linux.aarch64.conf -> linux.arm.conf so that with every pull/checkout it will link to latest kernel config.

    The build issues you are facing seem to be your machine-specific, I didn't push any changes that could break building in that way.

    Unfortunately I cannot check building for aarch64 every time as I don't have enough resources to do that - I compile on my laptop and building for different arch requires a whole new build folder that consumes quite a few GBs. That said I try not to do any changes that can break aarch64.

    Thanks for kind reply

    I will keep on trying and will no longer remove Python patches + create the symlink.
    Can I simply continue to use tag or shall I use another one or another branch?

    keep you informed

    Edited once, last by Nofan Tasi (January 26, 2017 at 4:56 PM).

  • Thanks for kind reply

    I will keep on trying and will no longer remove Python patches + create the symlink.
    Can I simply continue to use tag or shall I use another one or another branch?

    keep you informed

    I tried again (sorry: had to wait because libreelec download server not usabe). Same issues.
    This time I checked out 7.0:

    git checkout libreelec-7.0

    But same fatal build issue:

    $ grep -i -A1 fatal image.log
    [Fatal Error] classXBMCAddon_1_1xbmcgui_1_1ControlSpin.xml:58:271: XML document structures must start and end within the same entity.
    Caught: org.xml.sax.SAXParseException; systemId: file:///home/gentoo/MiniMX/LibreELEC/kszaq/LibreELEC.tv/build.LibreELEC-S905.aarch64-7.0-deve
    l/kodi-16.1-c327c53/xbmc/interfaces/python/generated/doxygenxml/classXBMCAddon_1_1xbmcgui_1_1ControlSpin.xml; lineNumber: 58; columnNumber: 27

    the doxygen classXBMCAddon_1_1xbmcgui_1_1ControlSpin.xml looks truncated indeed.
    012c is latest I could build without problems. I imagine kszaq changes are not the cause. But upstream changes may.

    If anyone would be so kind to try to build, say, 012f, that would help troubleshoot if problem is related to my build environment.

  • Hi all
    I managed to build 7.0 012g inside an ubuntu yakkety chroot on my gentoo.
    It was not 100% straightforward but no major obstacles. I needed to adjust 3 minor issues.
    here is the image
    LE – Google Drive

    I am using this build with great success on my Mini M8S-II 2G /8G Box. I am reluctant to move to LE 8 as there are a lot of bugs to be ironed out.
    Everything works great. Thanks a lot. I want to try deluge instead of transmission . I know thoradia has developed it. but it is only for LE8. Will it be possible for you to develop deluge as an addon for your above Build. Just a request. if it is too much effort , then forget it. I will be using 64 Bit for as long as you keep building them. Thank you in advance.

  • I am using this build with great success on my Mini M8S-II 2G /8G Box. I am reluctant to move to LE 8 as there are a lot of bugs to be ironed out.
    Everything works great. Thanks a lot. I want to try deluge instead of transmission . I know thoradia has developed it. but it is only for LE8. Will it be possible for you to develop deluge as an addon for your above Build. Just a request. if it is too much effort , then forget it. I will be using 64 Bit for as long as you keep building them. Thank you in advance.

    I have switched to building LE 8 only, ... I apologise.

  • I am using this build with great success on my Mini M8S-II 2G /8G Box. I am reluctant to move to LE 8 as there are a lot of bugs to be ironed out.
    Everything works great. Thanks a lot. I want to try deluge instead of transmission . I know thoradia has developed it. but it is only for LE8. Will it be possible for you to develop deluge as an addon for your above Build. Just a request. if it is too much effort , then forget it. I will be using 64 Bit for as long as you keep building them. Thank you in advance.

    I did not manage to build Deluge for LE 7. If you want to try to build it from where left it, uncomment PKG_IS_ADDON in LibreELEC.tv/package.mk at thoradia-7.0 · thoradia/LibreELEC.tv · GitHub.