Video Library

  • Dear all :)

    Could you please help me solving the issue with video library. I've tried to find similar point through search, but there are too many results with the criteria I enter...

    The point is: when I let the system look through my library with any of video catalogue addons, I have thousands of videos displayed, including those I do not have (Chinese, serials, etc). How can I exclude unneeded items? I have no issues with music, for example. Only my files are shown. But video library - is hell. Thank you in advance.

  • What is your movie library structure?
    Are only movie files in movie folders or trailers, samples and such also?
    It's better to have Movies and TV shows in separate folder.

    sent from G2

    Edited once, last by 9800pro (February 1, 2017 at 8:52 PM).

  • Only movies and animation. It looks like set of folders:
    - Animation
    - Movies
    - Sports
    - Series
    - Music Videos

    But I scan only first two folders. And it shows me thousands of titles which I do not have.