7.95.1 Intel HDMI sound stops working

  • Hello

    New with this stuff, so bear with me thanks.

    I had 7.90.010 and hdmi sound on a intel NUC5CPYH going to my sound bar working fine. I upgraded to 7.95.1 and the ALSA: Default (IntelHDMI IntelHDMI) device is no longer present in the list after an upgrade. HDMI sound no longer works obviously.

    Please advise any information you need to help identify and solve what the issue is.

  • I've got the same issue with my NUC. Oddly enough, movies and TV from my NAS work fine, but music, PVR TV, and system sounds do not work. I thought it was related to stereo audio, but 5.1 AC3 from my HDHomeRun isn't working either.

    On another note, internet streaming, ie YouTube, NBC Sports etc. works intermittently... probably only 20% of the time.

    Edit: Problem solved. My wife inadvertently turned the volume all the way down using the Yatse remote and so, obviously, passthrough audio was the only thing producing sound. That's embarrassing. :blush:

    Edited once, last by SikeMo (February 1, 2017 at 6:30 AM).