[SOLVED] Unable to build Generic Image from Master

  • I did not see any link to open an issue on github for the problem I'm having. I've configured my jenkins server to build LibreELEC images whenever there is a new commit; similarly as to how I set it up for OpenELEC. The Generic build continue to fail, all others succeed. Below is a snippet of where it fails, I've also attached the complete build log zip compressed.

    Also, if any of the Devs would like access to the build server and included on emails of build failures; please PM me and I'll set it up for you.

  • I didn't look at the log .. but I clean built master twice yesterday so it's probably something to do with the build environment. I'm using an Ubuntu 16.04 base for personal and official builds.

    I am as well, this tells me I'm missing packages. I just need to figure out which ones.

  • make clean
    and also remove /home/user/.ccache-libreelec

    sounds like that something goes wrong at build time

    Yes, thanks! You reminded me to look at my failed build scripts which was still pointed to OpenELEC CCACHE.

    I kicked off another build, after installing ocaml-dev packages for ctypes and OUnit. I will know in a few hours whether it's fixed.

  • Yes, thanks! You reminded me to look at my failed build scripts which was still pointed to OpenELEC CCACHE.

    I kicked off another build, after installing ocaml-dev packages for ctypes and OUnit. I will know in a few hours whether it's fixed.

    Installing both those packages got me further but still failed, now installing libllvm-3.5-ocaml-dev and trying again. Hopefully its the last one I need.

    Latest build logs attached if interested in reading.

  • 153274 – [jhbuild] build error in LLVM OCaml bindings

    I guess you are running debian? Btw have you tried it without jenkins ? Idk how jenkins is handle the build process maybe it fails due that.

    The Jenkins server is Ubuntu 16.04 server and the additional executors is Ubuntu 16.04 workstation. The build fails on both with the same error.

    I did find the webkit bug you linked to when googling around. At this point I don't see anything more I can do unless there's a package I'm missing.

    I am attempting to build it without jenkins as I type. I'd be curious to see if it completes.

    The ubild command within the Jenkins configuration is this: "PROJECT=$PROJECT ARCH=$ARCH make image" where the $PROJECT variable = Generic and the $ARCH variable = x86_64. Upon successful completion an MD5 sum is created for teh packages, if the build fails; the sources, build directory and ccache are all removed.

  • sry I can't find it is this also not working ?

    btw the log looks pretty normal as already written we "all" use ubuntu 16.04 also

    The build without jenkins is still running. I should know in a few hours whether it's Jenkins causing the issue of a missing package. In the mean time can you CvH and chewitt provide me the output of the below ocmmand so I can compare it to what I have installed?

    sudo dpkg --get-selections | grep -v deinstall

  • Ubuntu Pastebin

    ^^ this was a stock 14.04 minimal install that's had the bare essentials added for building and then a later 16.04 update

    The Generic build failed without using Jenkins, it failed at the same spot with the same error just as if Jenkins was perfomring the build.

    Thanks for the lists! The below packages are the only differences I've found between my Ubuntu Server and Workstation. I took the common installed packages of my systems and compared the list between the comparison of commonly installed packages for CvH and chewitt. There isn't much of a difference. I've installed these packages and kicked off another attempt to build the Generic image.


    Edited once, last by islipfd19 (May 30, 2016 at 11:57 PM).

  • Resolved! Installing the identified missing packages didn't fix the issue but I noticed that neither CvH or chewitt had any *ocaml* packages installed. I removed all *ocaml* packages and kicked off another build and it completed successfully. So having any *ocaml* packages installed will break building the Generic image.