Kodi stops / crashes and restart

  • From time to time kodi stops show a black screen with a curser in the center of my screen and than just restarts.

    This sometimes happened on bad signal situations (DVB-S2 with tvheadend) in OE 7.0 after the system was running 5-7 days. To see if this happend with LE I just tried to install LibreELEC 7.90.010 on a second disk to see if this may improve issues, but it does not. Since LE has the same base as OE I'm attaching all the logs and a dmesg.txt if you need to know something about the hardware.

    As of now I'm not sure how to reliable reproduce the issue. In LE I would say channel switching may be a reason. It happens in many situations, but as I'm using PVR or PVR menus in 100% of the time when the crashes happened this issues may be related to PVR.

    If you need more information let me know what else you need, please.

  • I have the same kind of issue. I just use Kodi to play videos off of my external hard drive (same thing from any other drive I have tried). I will be watching a movie/TV show then randomly the circling icon for busy pops up then a few seconds later, I am seeing the black screen followed by the start screen of Libreelec/Kodi. Usually, when I get back to the video I was watching, it shows that I haven't watched any of it. Sometimes this happens shortly after powering up the unit and then other times, it is days after watching movies/TV shows. It seems very random to me. I have tried to reproduce the effect by watching the same video and I can't "force" it to happen. I am using a Raspberry Pi 3. I know I am using the Jarvis update, not sure of the number though. If someone could explain how to get the crash log, I could post that. I am still a newbie when it comes to all this. I just follow along with guides and things I can search from Google. I have uninstalled add-ons, reformatted the Micro SD card and changed skins, but nothing seems to change the randomness of the restarts.

    Edited once, last by Pyroson (January 23, 2017 at 8:07 PM).

  • I might be writing this with a little bit of anger as my PI on the beta build has spent the entire night crashing in so many fabulous ways, the only thing it hasnt done yet is catch itself on fire! I am a man of patience but it's testing me today.

    Anyways I have also seen this - today. Worth noting that Kodi does not seem to fail gracefully on stream errors. Any errors in the stream (in my experience) usually makes Kodi crash and burn in a rather annoying and embarrassing way ;)

    My personal thoughts, having taken the time to look through the forked repository in its entirety I beleive, as there is an awful lot of code left from the older OL releases, it's possible that there is a memory leak somewhere in the underlying operating system that's never been fixed. This would make the issue unpredictable. Intermittent issues are the hardest and take the most amount of time to fix.

    Anyways I hope they get it sorted (fingers crossed). And I hope my patience won't break in the same way as my pi and cause me to fling it out the window, helped along with many choice phrases and blue coloured language ;)


    I have the same kind of issue. I just use Kodi to play videos off of my external hard drive (same thing from any other drive I have tried). I will be watching a movie/TV show then randomly the circling icon for busy pops up then a few seconds later, I am seeing the black screen followed by the start screen of Libreelec/Kodi. Usually, when I get back to the video I was watching, it shows that I haven't watched any of it. Sometimes this happens shortly after powering up the unit and then other times, it is days after watching movies/TV shows. It seems very random to me. I have tried to reproduce the effect by watching the same video and I can't "force" it to happen. I am using a Raspberry Pi 3. I know I am using the Jarvis update, not sure of the number though. If someone could explain how to get the crash log, I could post that. I am still a newbie when it comes to all this. I just follow along with guides and things I can search from Google. I have uninstalled add-ons, reformatted the Micro SD card and changed skins, but nothing seems to change the randomness of the restarts.

    Pyroson, logs are usually available if you enable SMB from the libreelec settings and going to the logs folder ie: \\ip.address.of.pi\logs Each set of logs are zipped together. Here is some instructions from the WIKI: HOW TO:Provide Logfile - LibreELEC

    Other things to check, if your using external Hard Drive with a Raspberry PI, ALWAYS use a powered USB hub between the Pi and the Hard Drive. RPI's cannot supply enough power through their USB ports to support a hard drive fully. Send the logs and I'll find out some more.

    Edited once, last by shanemarsh28 (January 24, 2017 at 1:32 AM).

  • OK Now I've calmed down and put my soapbox back in the cupboard I have gone through your logs and this is what I think...

    • It looks like your currently on the Kodi 17 Beta7. Go to Libreelec download and upgrade to Libreelec 7.95.1. This version uses Kodi 17 RC3 which is a mildly more stable.
    • TV headend & Youtube addons are both reporting connection issues.

      I would check and make sure the connection between server, client and Internet is OK. It looks like TV headend might be on the same box as Kodi? If so, the server is where i'd begin for sure as this is likely to be the main cause of your problems. As I mentioned above in my rant, any streaming errors in these later versions of Kodi nearly always results in a crash. Also, if your using WIFI as your connection to the internet, consider using an cabled Ethernet connection instead.

    14:53:45.979 T:140701559932672   ERROR: AddOnLog: Tvheadend HTSP Client: pvr.hts - Command hello failed: No response received
    14:53:45.980 T:140701559932672   ERROR: AddOnLog: Tvheadend HTSP Client: pvr.hts - failed to send hello
    14:53:49.792 T:140703109314304   ERROR: ### [XBMC LCDproc] - Connect: Caught exception, aborting.
    14:53:49.793 T:140703109314304   ERROR: ### [XBMC LCDproc] - Connect failed. Retry in 16 seconds.
    14:53:50.981 T:140701559932672   ERROR: AddOnLog: Tvheadend HTSP Client: pvr.hts - Command hello failed: No response received
    14:53:50.981 T:140701559932672   ERROR: AddOnLog: Tvheadend HTSP Client: pvr.hts - failed to send hello
    14:54:00.984 T:140701702543104   ERROR: AddOnLog: Tvheadend HTSP Client: pvr.hts - unable to connect to

    These above errors might be because Kodi has started before TV Headend Server (if your server is local) but that doesn't explain the connection errors when you try to play some recorded TV. Again the TVHeadend server is most likely at fault here.

    Lastly, you also have an LCD screen addon that's not very happy - might be worth checking if all is OK here.

    14:55:42.167 T:140703109314304   ERROR: ### [XBMC LCDproc] - Connect: Caught exception, aborting.
    14:55:42.167 T:140703109314304   ERROR: ### [XBMC LCDproc] - Connect failed. Giving up. Please fix any connection problems and restart the addon.[size=12][/size]

    Soo, what I would do is firstly check that the TVHeadend server is functioning as expected, check your internet connections are stable and go from there. Maybe test the channels remotely (on another PC/cross network) using VLC player if needed.

    I hope I've helped.

    Edited once, last by shanemarsh28 (January 24, 2017 at 1:22 AM).

  • I shared several logs. All show the crash. Later ones of libreelec.

    The startup issues of tvheadend to localhost are not so important. Pvr client just reconnects again and again until tvheadend has started. Than everything works fine for a week or so. Than it may crash.

    As you guess I also think this is a streaming issue. It crashed quite often on streaming issues. Kodi must not crash on streaming issues. If we have very bad weather with strong rain / snow the signal may go away... kodi must not crash than. Just show bas signal or lost signsl, but never crash.

  • I have the same issue; "Kodi stops, shows a black screen and restarts".
    This behaviour started since I installed LibreElec 7.95.2 beta (including Kodi 17.0) on my RPi2 last Friday.

    Never had issues with previous LibreElec-beta's (the alpha's had no problems either)

  • Hello,

    I have the same problem with my raspberry PI 2 "Kodi stops, shows a black screen and restarts", and I just installed yesterday the "LibreELEC-RPi2.arm-8.0.1.img" with in KODI 17.1, any of you know how to fix the problem?

    Thank you.

    Edited once, last by hernando (May 20, 2017 at 2:50 PM).

  • Hello,

    I have the same problem with my raspberry PI 2 "Kodi stops, shows a black screen and restarts", and I just installed yesterday the "LibreELEC-RPi2.arm-8.0.1.img" with in KODI 17.1, any of you know how to fix the problem?

    Thank you.

    Post a debug log and a crash log please