From time to time kodi stops show a black screen with a curser in the center of my screen and than just restarts.
This sometimes happened on bad signal situations (DVB-S2 with tvheadend) in OE 7.0 after the system was running 5-7 days. To see if this happend with LE I just tried to install LibreELEC 7.90.010 on a second disk to see if this may improve issues, but it does not. Since LE has the same base as OE I'm attaching all the logs and a dmesg.txt if you need to know something about the hardware.
As of now I'm not sure how to reliable reproduce the issue. In LE I would say channel switching may be a reason. It happens in many situations, but as I'm using PVR or PVR menus in 100% of the time when the crashes happened this issues may be related to PVR.
If you need more information let me know what else you need, please.