Change DNS settings

  • Hi all, I'm running @kazac build on my S905x box. I can't seem to find anyway to add a DNS setting in the box.
    Is there any way or do I have to do it in my router?

  • Hi all, I'm running @kazac build on my S905x box. I can't seem to find anyway to add a DNS setting in the box.
    Is there any way or do I have to do it in my router?

    Router is the only way i've managed this.
    I have Cable Broadband and that Modem Router is locked into the isp DNS and cannot be changed.

    The way around that is to plug my Airport Extreme router into it and use that Network, then change the DNS on that.
    Pain in the Arse.

  • Have you tried "manual" IP addressing ?

    I have successfully set DNS, no problem, just needs manual IP address (which will be copied from the DHCP address initially allocated, then you modify it)

  • Have you tried "manual" IP addressing ?

    I have successfully set DNS, no problem, just needs manual IP address (which will be copied from the DHCP address initially allocated, then you modify it)

    Please explain this for me if you could.

  • Go to -
    - System
    - LibreELEC
    - Connections
    - Wired (say)

    Click on the "Wired" connection (or a specific Wireless connection if that's what you want to set)

    Then "Edit" and go to
    - IPv4 (say ... few people use IPv6)
    - IP Address method ... and change to "manual"
    Set fixed IP address if you wish (I do because I want a stable address for VNC, Samba etc)
    - Click save
    - DNS servers
    - Nameserver #1 and click
    Set DNS server address
    - Save

    You will now have set the DNS server

    You can accomplish the same outcome at initial setup if you click on the IP addressing info and change it as required

  • AWESOME. Works perfect. THANKS SO MUCH.
    Is there an easy way to return the DNS to what it was prior? If you didn't make a not of what they were before you changed them?
    I did return the IP addressing back from manual to dhcp and that seemed to do the trick.

    Edited once, last by kodiuser1 (January 7, 2017 at 2:49 AM).