Domoticz Addon

  • Code
    docker pull homeassistant/home-assistantdocker run -d --name="home-assistant" -v /storage/home-assistant/config:/config -v /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro --net=host homeassistant/home-assistant

    ^^ It took ~5 mins to download/unpack. Seems to up and running fine on my x86_64 machine. I reckon it's time to go build a stripped back version of LE to use for these things :)

  • Sorry to hijack this, but I have a question regarding this addon.

    I have tried numerous ways to install and run this docker, but keeps failing, also when using portainer-template option.

    One of the things I run into, when I try to run docker commands in putty it returns a -sh error, like: -sh docker not found or.

    I found out that using systemctl docker .. it looks like everything works, but when I start adding options it fails with messages as: systemctl invalid option.

    I run the latest released version of libreelec (8.1) and installed docker addon, portainer and the linuxserver repo

    Hope somebody can guide me in the correct direction to run domoticz

  • What would be the command for domotics one since there are so many on hub.docker? Are those at all compatible with rpi and libreelec?


    I just saw this thread. I'll start testing the domoticz image on LE and if it works well, I'll go ahead and create an addon for it, which will be in the Linuxserver repo.

  • I just created a domoticz docker addon if anybody wants to test. I don't have a usb device to test with at the moment so I need someone to let me know whether it works or not before we publish it.

    Here is the zip, you can install manually on LE:

    Keep in mind that the first time the container is started it will create dhparams, which could take a long time especially on low powered systems (somewhere between a few minutes to 2 hours) so be patient. Once the dhparams is created, the webserver will start. In the meantime, you can check with "docker logs docker.linuxserver.domoticz" to see the progress.

    The usb device is disabled by default, you would have to enable in the addon settings and make sure the device location is correct.

    Edited once, last by aptalca (October 4, 2017 at 2:54 PM).

  • I just created a domoticz docker addon if anybody wants to test. I don't have a usb device to test with at the moment so I need someone to let me know whether it works or not before we publish it.


    I installed it on a Raspberry 2 and it works perfect!

  • Hi, thanks a lot for this addon! I am using it for some days on a s905x box running the latest libreelec. I ve been trying to update domoticz via it's web ui but it keeps failing with the following message:

    Error while downloading Update,check your internet connection or try again later !

    In the Domoticz log there is only the following:

    2017-10-26 20:59:25.185 Starting Upgrade progress...

    2017-10-26 20:59:25.186 Starting: /config/scripts/ /config/ /beta

    and that shows up in the container log (via the portainer addon):

    2017-10-26 21:10:35.908 Starting Upgrade progress...

    2017-10-26 21:10:35.910 Starting: /config/scripts/ /config/ /beta

    Can anybody help?

    P.S.: Enabling and disabling the addon did not work.

    P.S.2: I tried the terminal way in the wiki :

    cd domoticz

    ./updatebeta but that did not work either. Which is the right directory to run this command in?.

    Edited once, last by Argotera (October 26, 2017 at 8:51 PM).

  • Updating via web ui is not recommended for docker containers as they often use non traditional service managers.

    Linuxserver docker images are refreshed once a week on Friday to pick up various package updates.

    The libreelec addon/container updates its image when you restart your box, or if you disable and re-enable the addon

  • Hi aptalca, thanks once again!

    I had missed the "every friday" part, and

    I did an uninstall but cannot restore the database due to "Error: Restore Database: Could not open backup file for writing".

    What permissions should I set to fix this?

    P.S. It's the first time a have a system running 24/7, and do not know much about linux yet.

  • I ll post the answer to my problem in case any noob like me searches for it:

    If you are having problems restoring a backup in domoticz addon in Libreelec:

    1. disable the domoticz addon from the kodi UI

    2. Rename your desired back up file to domoticz.db and copy it in the domoticz' config directory. See this post how to do this using the terminal, but it can also be done using samba/smb.

    2. change permissions of the file to -rwxrw-r-- by using this command:

    chmod 644 domoticz.db

    3. Set the ownership to user:nobody, group: users. This is achieved by using the following commands:

    chown nobody: domoticz.db

    chown :users domoticz.db
    4. Delete the following files in the config directory: domoticz.db-wal, domoticz.db-shm. This is essential and but it isn't mentioned anywhere as far as I know.

    5. Reboot (?) and enable the addon.

  • Hi,

    Sorry for using this old topic, but I find it appropriate.

    First of all, my setup. LibreElec is on my Raspberry Pi4. I added Docker and linuxserver add-ons, especially Domoticz. I have a RFlink gateway connected via USB to the Raspberry. The gateway is connected to port /dev/ttyACM0, which I set up on Domoticz add-on configuration.

    My problem now. When I add the gateway to Domoticz hardwares, Domoticz log returns "Error opening serial port" every 30 seconds.

    I know the gateway works because I've tested it on Windows and, moreover, with Home Assistant that I previously installed on the same Raspberry. I can see things coming on this port with cat /dev/ttyACM0 (unreadable but presumably RF messages).

    Do you have an idea where it could come from?
