NUC6i7KYK support on 7.x branch?

  • All:

    I just received the new Skull Canyon NUC (wanted HDMI 2.0 and the extra cpu power never hurts) and need some help getting up / running. I've been running OpenElec / KodiBuntu up until now, but am interested in LibreELEC based on some on the design philosophies. Are there any builds available with support for the new SkullCanyon NUC on 7.x (kodi 16.1)?

    I was able to install 7.0.1 enough to copy a dev build (8.0-Milhouse-20160521231430) via CIFS and reboot which seems to have working drivers, but it is kodi 17.0-Alpha2.

    I'm hoping someone can point me to a tar with NUC6i7KYK support running Kodi 16.1 or any other options.

    If this isn't possible, should I look to Unbuntu 16.04 & manual Kodi install, Kodibuntu won't install (GRUB error... NVMe support)?


    Edited once, last by wallacebw (May 22, 2016 at 12:38 AM).

  • I may have caused some confusion, let me clarify... I have use OpenELEC and Kodibuntu in the past, but NOT on this new hardware (NUC), neither of them work on the new NUC (at least any Stable builds)

    to answer the question more directly:

    Yes i've tried 7.0.1,


    That is was what i started with, never made it to kodi. (X Server / xorg failed to start or something like that).

    updating to the 8.0-Milhouse-20160521231430-#0521-gd4dc519.tar works, but also moved me to kodi 17 alpha..

    This new NUC (NUC6i7KYK) was released this week, so it needs relatively new drivers.

    • 6th Generation Intel® Core(TM) i7-6770HQ
    • Intel® Iris(TM) Pro Graphics 580

    FYI: I tried Unbuntu lts 14.04, but the audio over hdmi isn't working out of the box and I didn't have time to mess with it tonight.

    Edited once, last by wallacebw (May 22, 2016 at 8:39 AM).

  • Yeah, I got ubuntu 16.04 working, but it was slow (relatively speaking) to boot and I'm going to try kodi 17 / LE 8 nightlies.

    Question, how is kodi added to the LibreELEC builds? Can I ssh in and use apt to remove 17 and install 16 or is it more involved?

    Off topic (let me know if I should open a new thread), but is anyone having problems with the artist scrapers? When I scanned my music, all the album info was populated, but nothig about the artist was populated (pics, bio, etc).


  • The root filesystem in LibreELEC is read-only, so Kodi can not be upgraded/downgraded. To do so you would need to build yourself and modify the source tree accordingly.

  • Hi.

    I have excactly the same issues. And haven't been able to find any .img files that work with my Gigabyte Brix GB-BSi7HT-6500.

    It won't install any of the public builds. Can anyone point me in the direction of an img with the new kernel (beta or anything)

    *EDIT* Found LibreELEC-Generic.x86_64-8.0-devel-20160525.img, and that worked.

    Edited once, last by selector34 (May 28, 2016 at 11:51 AM).

  • Hi.

    I have excactly the same issues. And haven't been able to find any .img files that work with my Gigabyte Brix GB-BSi7HT-6500.

    It won't install any of the public builds. Can anyone point me in the direction of an img with the new kernel (beta or anything)

    *EDIT* Found LibreELEC-Generic.x86_64-8.0-devel-20160525.img, and that worked.

    For anyone else with this issue. use the latest publishhed image, even if it won't boot into kodi. in *most* cases, it will come up enough to allow you to copy a update tar.gz to the updates share via the network (CIFS / SMB) if you figure out its IP. A reboot (or cold boot) should be enough to kick off the update to the never system.

    See the following URL for the latest builds:

    Index of /builds/master/

    Edited once, last by wallacebw (May 31, 2016 at 4:01 PM).

  • For anyone else with this issue. use the latest publishhed image, even if it won't boot into kodi. in *most* cases, it will come up enough to allow you to copy a update tar.gz to the updates share via the network (CIFS / SMB) if you figure out its IP. A reboot (or cold boot) should be enough to kick off the update to the never system.

    But where would that keep you?

    On the same Linux core, or will everything be updated to latest core (sorry if my question is stupid).

  • I'm just a user, so devs keep me honest here...

    This in essence a full image, but it uses the os itself to do the update... new kernel (with new drivers), newer kodi revisions, etc.

    think of doing an apt-get update & apt-get dist-upgrade

    For example, my new nuc would not start x server (gui) due to unsupported video hardware on 7.0.1, dropped in a 8.0 nightly and rebooted... new kernel. new drivers, and everything worked find after that.

    Edited once, last by wallacebw (May 31, 2016 at 7:49 PM).

  • Ok, update...

    Everything is working great on the millhouse 8.0 builds with one exception.

    The HDMI doesn't resync after sleep or long periods with the TV off (and the LE pc still on).

    e.g. I am working fine, and then suspend via the power menu. I resume the device and am able to connect with it fine over the network, but the TV never picks up the signal. if I remorely reboot, everything comes back up fine... any thoughts?

    Edited once, last by wallacebw (June 5, 2016 at 4:21 PM).

  • The X11 video driver in LE8 was changed from xf86-video-intel to the new xf86-video-modesetting driver. This might give better compatibility but for the latest NUC it might be worth to try the intel driver again. I have the change reverted and updated the intel driver in my LE8 community builds, perhaps you could try it and see if it has the same HDMI issue.

    Edited once, last by escalade (June 5, 2016 at 6:14 PM).

  • The X11 video driver in LE8 was changed from xf86-video-intel to the new xf86-video-modesetting driver. This might give better compatibility but for the latest NUC it might be worth to try the intel driver again. I have the change reverted and updated the intel driver in my LE8 community builds, perhaps you could try it and see if it has the same HDMI issue.

    a couple of dumb question:

    Can I drop a tar.gz as an update, or is this is a fresh install...
    Can I revert back by updating to the latest millgouse 8.0 snap?

    I've done a fair amount of tweaking and have repurposed my old HTPC, so I want to ensure I can get back to where i'm at now...
