Power Off System (7.0.2)

  • Hi there,

    I'm on LibreELEC v. 7.0.2 (Generic x86_64). I've had this weird intermittent problem where I hit "Power Off System" but the system doesn't shut down it stays at a black screen with green and white writing, I'll hit the reset button on my PC and "Power Off System" again and it'll shut down, Is there a way to fix this without resetting everything? (don't want to add all my addons again). If anyone has had this issue and resolved it please let me know!

    Thank You.

    Edit: I should probably give some more details on my system:

    Processor: Pentium g3258 (integrated GPU)
    Motherboards: ITX MSI H81I
    Storage: Adata 128GB SSD

    I've built this system from scratch (used parts) just for LibreELEC.

    I have enabled Wake on LAN support, and during the installation I remember enabling both SSH/Samba.

    I think I'll have to reset the system and will report back in a bit.

    Edited once, last by gb90 (December 21, 2016 at 5:34 PM).

  • Welp that didn't work, I still get the screen where in the end it says "Reached Target Shutdown" but stays there and never shutsdown.

    Is this a problem in the beta as well?

    Edited once, last by gb90 (December 22, 2016 at 4:18 AM).

  • Who is the question directed at?

    You are the one experiencing the problem, therefore only you can say if it is occurring in the beta also. Try it.

    Right, I will try it when I get home and report back :)

    Sent from my Nexus 6P using Tapatalk

  • So I just installed LibreELEC v7.90.009. Turns out it was my Wake on Lan being enabled. When I hit the shutdown button and power off the system it would reboot my system (at least it reboot rather then freeze at shutdown like in 7.0.2), I would basically have to shutdown the system twice for a complete shutdown. I don't know a fix to this so I just disabled the feature on my motherboard.

    Edit: So the Wake on LAN feature on my motherboard is messed up (MSI H81I) for some reason it'll send more then one packet (even though the app I installed on my phone I select the option of not sending multiple packets), difficult to say actually whether it's a motherboard issue or a network issue. But I'm happy to say that I have a Wake on USB feature as well so I can turn the device on through my wireless keyboard.

    Edited once, last by gb90 (December 23, 2016 at 11:27 PM).

  • I have battled with this issue several times without any solutions, at time when power off my computer it will shut down complete which what I expected but sometimes when I powered off it will restart kodi then I have to physically hold the of power button down to shut the computer.
    What I have also noticed is that when kodi power down there are several scripts that runs through also this happen when start.
    Howvere, using Kaqaz LE image on s905 I don't see the scripts running through when kodi start and closed down, the HI is clean.

    Can someone help understand how capture events that occurs between the start and close of Kodi of the log will help to revel these issue of unable to power down completely and the display of scripts.
