Build problems (and solutions)

  • By using GCC 6.2 to build master (also 7.90.x and 7.02) I stumbled because of some non C++11 conform code fragments in Kodi.
    I fixed them by the following patch:

    Another very interesting problem showed up during further make (cmake):

    I finally found out that my PATH was too large - it looks like there's some limitation around 256 bytes in cmake(??) during invokation of external commands.
    After removing the multipe defined JAVA path fragments and therefore shrinking the PATH size the build worked without further problems.

  • Quote

    I finally found out that my PATH was too large - it looks like there's some limitation around 256 bytes in cmake(??) during invokation of external commands.
    After removing the multipe defined JAVA path fragments and therefore shrinking the PATH size the build worked without further problems.

    How did you remove the JAVA path fragments? I seem to have the same problem while building latest LibreELEC 8.0. Similar error comes up soon after Kodi starts building, maybe 15 seconds after start of build, the build of Kodi stops with similar/same error.

  • By using GCC 6.2 to build master (also 7.90.x and 7.02) I stumbled because of some non C++11 conform code fragments in Kodi.

    Just yesterday I build imx6 master and didn't have any problem. Also not with any 7.0.X or 7.9X.Y.
    What is your build system? Could you post log of the error?

    How did you remove the JAVA path fragments?

    You could set shorter path in start of file scripts/image

    export PATH="/something shorter"

    Or you could just build like

    PATH="/something shorter" PROJECT=imx6 ARCH=arm make

    Edited once, last by vpeter (March 14, 2017 at 11:06 AM).

  • vpeter, I was trying to build LibreELEC 8.0 (git checkout libreelec-8.0) with your decoder fix patch. It was running last night and it failed soon after starting the kodi build. There were no obvious error messages and it failed in similar way as above. I had no time this morning before work to read the output but I cleaned kodi then started ONLY kodi build and it failed in the same way after about 10-15 seconds. So I think it's the PATH problem.

  • My issues with the build seemed to have disappeared. I don't know why, I changed nothing. Anyway, I just wanted to update that I do not have an issue any more.