Raspberry. Kodi Jarvis. advancedsettings.xml

  • Hi,

    I have a problem with advancedsettings.xml. The system do not do nothing. Has Isengard and Jarvis version different parameters for configuration like Krypton?

    I have tried to change:


    In isengard I don't have problem with the same advancedsettings.xml parameters. In Jarvis without buffer and I have cuts. I use Raspberry PI 3

    Thanks for all.

  • What release of LE/Kodi are you using. If V17 of Kodi then they changed the names.

    The following tags are removed from


    and placed under a new


    tag. Also,


    is renamed to




    is renamed to



    See Here

  • 4.1 advancedsettings.xml changes
    Main page: advancedsettings.xml
    <useddsfanart> - removed in v17 Krypton.
    <cachemembuffersize> and <readbufferfactor> - In v17 <cachemembuffersize> is renamed to <memorysize> and <readbufferfactor> is renamed to <readfactor>. In addition, all three buffer related settings in <network> are moved out of <network> and into a new <cache> parent tag.
    <minvideocachelevel>, <minaudiocachelevel>, and <cacheindvdplayer> have been removed in v17.
    <useffmpegvda> - Tag was only used for development testing. Removed in v17.

    Sent from my GT-P3113 using Tapatalk

  • That is not an acceptable problem description. A double negative -> positive. So basically your system does everything. :)

    The question is, why do you even need to mess around with those settings.
    Kodi's default settings are fine for 9/10 situations.

    Thanks for all responses.

    I don't know what would be the problem, but I have reinstalled LE and my advancedsettings works again.

    I'm sorry for my English. I need to improve it more.

    I have used google translator for some expression and maybe the structure is not correct. If i use defaults settings I have cuts in acestream channels and online movies. I need a little more buffer to solve it.

    Thank you for all information about krypton kodi changes. In future updates would be necessary.

    Edited once, last by wasapa (December 13, 2016 at 2:19 PM).