Tvh 4.3: Stuttering HD video / async audio

  • I have lots of issues with tvheadend 4.3 if it comes to german HD television. To be honest - it is a totally unusable version. I’m running on Intel platform with a Dell 7060 computer that has really more than enough power.

    The developers of tvheadend complained that the version i’m using is higly outdated. Is there a chance that you provide the latest version 4.3 build for download in libreelec?

    If the latest 4.3 version - that should be a final for about more than a year has no fix I would reinstall with a 4.2 that was at least running for nearby 15 years on an athlon - stable… the worse my super slow athlon gone broken ☹️

    Edited once, last by marc.bau (March 2, 2025 at 8:23 PM).

  • Hi, two things:

    You can use both of the TVheadend versions, just keep only one enabled. So you can try the 4.2 without to remove the 4.3.

    And if I know correctly, the TVH have nothing with the audio-video decoding, that is handled by the media player installed in Kodi. So maybe isn't the TVH the guilty here.