[x86-64] MP3 Playback Crashes on Various Hardware

  • We are talking about 1000 MP3s in different directories and different origins. (Not from One-File MP3 and cutted)
    My feeling was that it is mostly crashing when switching to another song but it also happened in the middle of one song which i remembered and then played again after restart, but the chrash did not occur again ...

    I checked them all with foobar and there have been issues which i all now corrected, so i will try them again.
    I also downloaded sample MP3s from the link above (Hungry Lucy is ok, right ?) and will test them also.

    I will come back with further news

    Thanks for the support ...

  • If there's a suspicion on Goom, a couple of things to experiment with:

    a) Switch to another visualisation for a few days. If the issue still happens it's not specific to Goom. If it doesn't it points the finger more firmly towards Goom.

    b) Change Goom settings to manual and work your way through the list of individual visuals. Each one uses different shaders so can potentially result in different behaviour. The theory is that something in the shaders (which have seen quite a bit of change for K22 might disagree and cause issues. See if you can pinpoint specific visuals that cause problems.

    NB: I've also seen the errors related to ID3 tags, but if the software is flagging those issues it suggests it's reading the file and then reporting; which suggests gracefull handling of those issues and thus (IMHO) they aren't likely to be the cause of a crash.

  • It happened also with Fish BMC visualization in LE13.

    I thought it was better after repairing some of my mp3's but it happened again just one hour after start playing.

    Log before chrash : https://paste.libreelec.tv/amused-dodo.log

    Log after crash : https://paste.libreelec.tv/pleasant-ant.log

    Crashlog : https://paste.libreelec.tv/alert-impala.log

    I will try the downloaded "Hungry Lucy" over night because this is not my favorite music to hear ...

    Edited 2 times, last by JoeCotty (March 2, 2025 at 1:54 PM).

  • Da Flex

    From where dou you get the information in the log, that the crash is related to FFMPEG.

    I started Hungry Lucy in the evening yesterday with her 10 songs and she still was singing today now in the morning.

    So what i did is removed all unwanted ID3 tags with "mp3tag" from my songs like "APE" and "ID3v1" and also deleted unneeded fields inside.
    So i only now have only about 7 fields inside my songs like "artist" and "title" or "Genre", "unsyncedlyrics", "year", gain ...
    but still crashes.

    So now i want to reduce the amount of songs and only let play one directory with about 50 songs in concrete order.
    So i hope i can reproduce it with less songs and find the root cause ...

  • Da Flex

    From where dou you get the information in the log, that the crash is related to FFMPEG.

    That's not a fact, just a theory. Kodi crashes by "segmentation fault", so I guess the FFMPEG error "[mp3float] Header missing" leads to wrong memory management. The other errors in the log are more common, and well known.

    If you can separate an MP3, which generates the error, try to play it as a loop, until it crashes the system. That's the MP3 we need to reproduce the bug. It's probably copyright protected, so I guess we have to share the file in private mode. Don't post it here.

  • I can now reproduce the crash but it was very very tricky ...
    So prepare for a post with much reading and thinking ....

    Found a song which causes the crash but playing it standalone does not crash Kodi ...

    So what i tested finally (after many many hours) with 3 files in one directory :

    playing song1, chrashsong, song3 -> crashsong (4:38) crashes always at 4:28
    playing chrashsong -> nothing chrashes
    playing song1, chrashsong -> nothing chrashes
    playing chrashsong, song3 -> nothing chrashes

    !!! Unbelieveable. thats why i did not find a single song which causes the crash !!!

    Changed song1 and song3 to another song -> same behaviour like above

    I remembered i have crossfade activated between songs with 5s so i deactivated it
    playing song1, chrashsong, song3 -> song 3 starts but when i used keyboard to go back also Kodi crashed

    Activated crossfade again but with 10s
    playing song1, chrashsong, song3 -> crashsong (4:38) crashes 5s earlier at 4:23 like expected

    crossfade back to 5s
    I reencoded crashsong with foobar and lame 3.100 to 190K
    playing song1, new encoded chrashsong, song3 -> also chrashed

    Saw that crashsong had 48 KHz and the rest 44.1 KHz
    Now reencoded the crashsong with ffmpeg to 44.1 KHz
    !!! Yeah, now these 3 songs are runnning without crash ... !!!

    So i will reencode all 48 KHz songs to 44.1 KHz and then test all songs again.
    Hopefully this was the root cause for all the crashes
    There have been approx 30 songs with 48 KHz in my list of about 1000 (most of them converted online out of youtube videos ...)

    But a 48 KHz mp3 should not be a problem for Kodi, or ?

    Finally my about 1000 songs played now for about 20 hours without crash ...
    So my already new bought hardware T730 is no more needed ....

    Shall i provide these 3 songs and if yes how ?

    Best regards

  • Please describe the process of your MP3 playback for song 1-3.

    I want to reproduce the bug on my RPi3B+ by playing:

    1. 44.1kHz
    2. 48kHz
    3. 44.1kHz

    Not sure whether it's a bug in Kodi player or FFMPEG.

  • crossfade is on and 5s

    i placed the 3 songs in a separate directory

    named that they are running in the correct order


    go to music - files and browsed to this directory

    press "c" for contextmenu on this directory and choose play

  • I remebered to also having a Raspy 3B Ver2 so i installed LE13 nigthly

    played also these 3 songs and there was a short audio break at about 4:26 in the chrashsong but song3 was starting and played.

    So firstly i thought we do not have the crash on the Raspy.

    But letting play them for a while and then i used USB-Keyboard and pressed ESC twice to go back to the main screnn and then the raspy rebooted also.

    This is also repeatable.

  • OK, I've been tested your files in the right order, with and without Goom visualization. 5s crossfade activated in music settings.

    All three files are played without a crash. When "Earth, Wind & Fire" starts to fade out, I hear a short interruption, but that's all.

    So I guess it's an x86-specific issue of the Kodi player. Your options:

    • re-encode everything to 44.1kHz
    • don't use the crossfade option in music settings
    • write an x86-specific bug report at Kodi forum
  • Sorry, but its a little bit different, lets say more difficult ....

    My solution with encoding all to 44.1 KHz works fine on LE12.0.2 and LE13 nigthly, crossfade active or not ...
    (ffmpeg -y -i input.mp3 -vn -ar 44100 -ac 2 -b:a 192k output.mp3)

    If i disable crossfade my Kodi does not crash immediately on end of crashsong but if i press some keys after it played and navigate e.g. to main menu then Kodi crashes and restarts.
    And that i can reproduce on my x86 AND on Raspy3 V2.

    If crossfade is enabled the crashsong crashes directly on its end but only on x86.

    EDIT :
    If I play the 3 songs repeatetly in a loop without crossfade it crashes now at the end of song3 when switching againto song1.
    This is definetly reproducable on my x86.
    The problem is nevertheless song2 but crash appears now a little bit later when crossfade is not active.
    Also to mention is that at the end of crashsong (4:33) there is a gap of sound for 2 seconds and Goom also stops from there on.

    So It has definetly nothing to do with crossfade and does also not appear when all are on 44.1 KHz...

    Tricky and not easy to find the root cause ...

    If somebody needs my 3 songs please give me a private message and i give you a download link ....

    Edited 3 times, last by JoeCotty (March 15, 2025 at 1:21 PM).

  • If i disable crossfade my Kodi does not crash immediately on end of crashsong but if i press some keys after it played and navigate e.g. to main menu then Kodi crashes and restarts.
    And that i can reproduce on my x86 AND on Raspy3 V2.

    Please post the crash log from RPi. What's your audio output device?

  • I am not sure if nobody can reproduce it because nobody mentioned that here.
    I think it is too much effort for all of them.

    So i played again these 3 songs on my raspy repeatedly for a while without crossfade and after that i went back to main menu and navigated somewhere else in the settings for a while and then it crashed and rebooted like always.

    old log : https://paste.libreelec.tv/sharp-walrus.log

    actual log : https://paste.libreelec.tv/internal-muskrat.log

    crashlog : https://paste.libreelec.tv/mature-flamingo.log

    Audio on x86 : ALSA:HDA ATL, PIO Sound System on Displayport

    Audio on Pi3 : ALSA: Default (VC4-HDMI MAI PCM I24-Hifi-0)()

    To be honest, for me i have my solution to convert all of them to 44.1 KHz
    I will only help here to find the root cause of this problem because if sudden crashes will occur on Kodi which can not really be reproduced exactly with a song are probably a reason to stop using Kodi or LE.
    Exactly in this situation I have been and bought new hardware and thought about switching to another system.

    Nice Sunday from my side

  • Since nobody can reproduce the issue, smf007 is maybe on the right track.

    Looking over the code, I do not think those settings should have an impact. Visualizations are essentially a secondary sink at a fixed 44.1khz, with the audio buffer being resampled if required.

    I haven't been able to reproduce the issue using master on Android. For x86-64 GBM, I have missing libgl errors so visualizations cannot start (this had been fixed a couple years back, so not sure what's changed).

    You're seeing the issue on GBM systems, so perhaps a GBM - visualization issue? Occurring only when buffer resampling is required though doesn't make sense.