Access SMB shares from Windows 11 24H2

  • Hi everyone!

    Windows 11 24H2 started rolling out recently, and with it a new policy for accessing SMB shares. Since upgrading to 24H2 I can't access LibreELEC's default network shares which were accessible from 23H2. Here's what the problem looks like (don't mind the user on the screenshot, I also used libreelec user with the password set in LibreELEC settings):

    The only thing that helped was executing Set-SmbClientConfiguration -EnableInsecureGuestLogons $true on the Windows machine.

    And because that's not something I want to fix by disabling a security feature on the client side, I started experimenting with various properties in /storage/.config/samba.conf and then doing

    systemctl stop smbd
    systemctl start smbd

    Reading through…smb.conf.5.html I tried adding guest ok = no and commenting out public = yes, changing map to guest from Bad User to Never, commenting out guest account = root, adding restrict anonymous = 2, etc. Nothing helped though.

    My /storage/.config/samba.conf currently looks like this:

    So here's the question: can we somehow configure SMB on LibreELEC so that SMB shares could be accessed from Windows 11 24H2?

    Edited 2 times, last by roxton (December 12, 2024 at 9:08 AM).

  • I made sure to check the same credentials multiple times on two separate PCs, one with 24H2 and one with 23H2. On 23H2 they work from the start. On 24H2 they work only after I execute Set-SmbClientConfiguration -EnableInsecureGuestLogons $true and then the problem returns when I reverse this change.

    HomerJau , could you please check if Get-SmbClientConfiguration | FL EnableInsecureGuestLogons returns False for you?

    Edited once, last by roxton: Merged a post created by roxton into this post. (December 11, 2024 at 5:36 PM).

  • See here

    December 4, 2024 at 2:42 PM
  • Apologies, the screenshot was taken when I was making wild attempts to access a share. I know I have to use the username and password that I set in LibreELEC settings. :)

    The above made me try one more thing. I went to the settings and disabled and enabled again the password-protected SMB switch, now I can access all the shares from 24H2.

    I then reverted /storage/.config/samba.conf to the state of /storage/.config/samba.conf.sample, ran /usr/lib/samba/samba-config, restarted smbd and rebooted the 24H2 machine and it still lets me in.

    So, apologies for making the fuss, I have no idea what was wrong and where. And thanks for your help!

    Edited 3 times, last by roxton: Merged a post created by roxton into this post. (December 12, 2024 at 9:11 AM).