YouTube add-on

  • Hi,

    My YouTube add-on has stopped working, throwing an error "YouTube error: check the log for more information" when I try to search for something.

    I have manually added my own API keys (youtube.api.key,, and youtube.api.secret) to the settings.xml in /storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/

    This is the error message (ssh from raspberry pi4) from the kodi.log.

    All help is gratefully received.



  • Just a lil bump.

    Can anyone offer any insight? I'm happy to delete/reinstall all apps and keys etc. Just wondering if anyone has experienced this before? Not sure if this is a common issue?


  • I don't know, but it will be good if you add some information about your system, from the first error it seem related to Python calling an external module