Chome and LE 12.0 No Audio

  • I did a fresh LE 12.0 install and once again Chrome is silent. Somewhat curious as the settings that once worked no long work. At one time I needed to use "HW:0,7"

    for the Custom Audio device but the last !!.xx Chrome worked fine with no Custom Audio Device. Anyway I tried both and no joy.

    log is

    I also ran aplay -L from terminal attached.

    Maybe someone with a background in audio settings can point me in the right direction. This issue has been hounding me for some time and I'd like to understand what the right settings might be.


  • Just an afterthought. Sound works fine in Chrome on a monitor just seems to get lost when using HDMI on my Sony. Got to be some simple setting somewhere?

  • I'm rarely using Chrome but at a Sony too. Since some recent Chrome updates there are strange audio issues too.

    E.g. the public video snippets of the Sky web side are usually played without sound. But the radio site (no idea if geo blocked) is always working, even while the Sky one does not. After some retries it magically starts working.

  • I just had to keep at this and finally after a few hours of trial and error once again I was able to get the updated Chrome browser to spit out sounds. The last version did not require the Custom Audio settings to work on my Sony HDMI but now requires "HW:0,3" which is odd to me as a previous version used "HW:0,7" to function. Whatever works.

    Once again joy is restored. :)

  • A correction is necessary here:

    The correct setting for my system is "hw:0,3" not "HW:0,3"

    Using caps for the hw causes the setting to be ignored with no displayed error. It's unclear to me if "plughw" would work as well but since I have it working I'll not mess with it.

  • A correction is necessary here:

    The correct setting for my system is "hw:0,3" not "HW:0,3"

    Using caps for the hw causes the setting to be ignored with no displayed error. It's unclear to me if "plughw" would work as well but since I have it working I'll not mess with it.

    Thanks for posting this. I spent a lot of time reinstalling Chrome and fiddling with the Audio settings before finding this solution. For me it was hw:1,0 since that is the nvidia video card with HDMI output. The onboard audio card is 0. Putting plughw:1,3 no longer works (well not for me).

  • You're welcome. I too have spent more time than I'm willing to admit fooling with Chrome audio. My issues seems to be related to HDMI audio and how Chrome handles it. On my spanking new Sony Tv I still must connect to a Youtube site before the sound will work. Not sure why but it does work. None of these issues show up using my PC monitor and audio system. Weird I know.