No WiFi on Minix Neo U9-H

  • After facing issues trying to use LibreELEC on my Minix Neo U9-H a while back, I decided to give it another try now, a few months later. I am able to successfully boot into LibreELEC (stable 12.0 version), but when I get to the step where I have to select my WiFi network, none show up. When I manually go to the LibreELEC settings later, and go to connections, it also doesn't show up there. I am able to see Bluetooth devices though (haven't tried connecting to one yet). Is there anything I can do to fix this or is this a known problem?

    Also, another small question: a while back I seem to recall there being disclaimers stating that Amlogic images will only work well for 1080p content. When checking the Wiki now, I see no disclaimer under the Amlogic section. So my question: can I play 4K content with LibreELEC on my Minix Neo U9-H?

  • The 1080p limitation applies to devices newer than S912, but 4K HEVC and VP9 media should work (with some caveats). No idea what the issue with WiFi is .. run "journalctl | paste" after boot and share the URL.