Japanese subtitles do not seem to work

  • Hi,

    I have videos with English and Japanese subtitles. The Japanese subtitles do not display. Do fonts need to be added for languages, and if so where exactly ?

    (I do not read Japanese, but I figured others might)

    Thanks much

  • If the fonts are rendered as a "square" glyph you need to add /storage/.kodi/userdata/Fonts/Arial.ttf using an 'Arial' font that includes Asian character support.

  • Hm. Adding arial.ttf (from default Windows 11) to /storage/.kodi/userdata/Fonts/

    and setting Settings > Interface > Skin > Fonts to "Arial Based"

    Fonts are now rendered correctly for japanese, chinese and korean music.

    But thai and khmer music still renders square boxes.

    Anyways, it's an improvement. :)