Japanese subtitles do not seem to work

  • Hi,

    I have videos with English and Japanese subtitles. The Japanese subtitles do not display. Do fonts need to be added for languages, and if so where exactly ?

    (I do not read Japanese, but I figured others might)

    Thanks much

  • If the fonts are rendered as a "square" glyph you need to add /storage/.kodi/userdata/Fonts/Arial.ttf using an 'Arial' font that includes Asian character support.

  • Hm. Adding arial.ttf (from default Windows 11) to /storage/.kodi/userdata/Fonts/

    and setting Settings > Interface > Skin > Fonts to "Arial Based"

    Fonts are now rendered correctly for japanese, chinese and korean music.

    But thai and khmer music still renders square boxes.

    Anyways, it's an improvement. :)

  • The solution is both simple; use a font that contains the the glyphs for the character sets you need, and rather complicated; as fonts that support all (or most) languages are considerably larger than most LE images :S

  • Yes. Unicode is BIG. So the common thing to do these days seems to be to split it all into a multitude of fonts, like Noto. What I could find that contains the most glyphs in one single font was that weary old font Arial Unicode MS (23 MB).

    Using that I get rendering of everything I tried to throw at it. With one noteable exeption; khmer. So those songs with Sinn Sisamouth & Ros Serey Sothea still only displays square boxes. ;(

    Well, well. I'm norwegian. And it's not like I understand what it says. It's only about the sense of aesthetics....

  • google has Mongolian and Khmer fonts under open font license. For some reason they prefer not to design their site to work on system which has Mongolian and Khmer support, if javascript is not enabled.

    Old Italic and Linear B support in subtitles was a joke.

    It might be better, if UI did not depend on single font for subtitles and could use any font that supports text in specific unicode block.

    Noto Sans Mongolian - Google Fonts
    Noto is a global font collection for writing in all modern and ancient languages. Noto Sans Mongolian is an unmodulated (“sans serif”) design for texts in the C
    Khmer - Google Fonts
    The Khmer fonts are designed for readable and beautiful rendering of text in the Khmer script, the national language of Cambodia. The designer, Danh Hong, has m

    Edited 3 times, last by tokul (September 10, 2024 at 6:02 PM).

  • As long as I can use only one font Arial Unicode MS seems to be the best.

    I found it downloadable here: https://github.com/texttechnology…nicode%20MS.TTF

    I found that I already had this font on disk. Saved from an old installation of Windows XP. I checked them both with fontforge and also bitcompared them with cmp. It's the same file. I don't know how they can legally distribute this from github, but MS owns this font and they also own github now, and I think maybe this old font these days are free for personal use, but I have not investigated thoroughly.

    For khmer I guess there are no practical solution, as long as there's a one font limitation.