Sync watched status (and resume position) across multiple LibreELEC devices

  • Is there any way to sync watched status and resume position across multiple devices?

    If i'm watching something on one unit in my living room and then go to my bedroom to continue watching the same series on a different unit, it would be a nice user experience if this was automatically synced across both devices.

  • you could the "share my libraries" in the upnp menu but this only work on local network (it works by streaming your media from one device to all the other LE devices)

  • you could the "share my libraries" in the upnp menu but this only work on local network (it works by streaming your media from one device to all the other LE devices)

    I think my LAN is subpar, because when I try to stream stuff over the network it often stops to buffer. I've just been unpluggin my ssd from the livingroom LE and plugging it into the bedroom LE when I move from one room to the other.

  • The normal approach is to designate one of the HTPC devices (or a NAS box) as the 'server' and use a common MariaDB instance to host the Kodi database along with the content being played. That's going to need a reasonable network though: Ethernet is always advised as the amazing WiFi speeds acheived in some test lab for marketing purposes are never the same as your home in real life.

    I've also seen people use rsync to literally sync local database files and thumbs between different LE devices, but that relies upon you only ever using one device at a time and performing a sync before you switch devices; else things are quickly out of sync. The rsync binary is in the network-tools add-on IIRC.

  • I've also seen people use rsync to literally sync local database files and thumbs between different LE devices, but that relies upon you only ever using one device at a time and performing a sync before you switch devices; else things are quickly out of sync. The rsync binary is in the network-tools add-on IIRC.

    Until I wire my bedroom rsync seems like the choice for me. I've been physically carrying my ssd from one LE device to the other, so I don't need to sync the actual data across devices, just the db and thumbs.

    Where can I find a list of the files I want to sync? It shouldn't be too hard to just create a short alias for the full rsync command and fire that off before switching rooms.

  • The content of /storage/.kodi is what you want to rsync. In reality it's the userdata folders, but you might as well sync add-ons and such too assuming it's the same hardware in both places.