Playback is stuttering after Pause

  • Hi,

    in "settings / display / framerate" the framerate is set to 50fps. When i Play a Video with 24fps after pausing the Video i have micro stuttering for a while. I don't have that Problem when the Video has 25fps. Is there a Solution for that Problem?

    I use LE 11 generic. My Mainboard is AsRock AM1H-ITX. The Mainboard has onBoard-HDMI but i use a Nvidia GeForce GT 710.

  • in "settings / display / framerate" the framerate is set to 50fps. When i Play a Video with 24fps after pausing the Video i have micro stuttering for a while. I don't have that Problem when the Video has 25fps. Is there a Solution for that Problem?

    Don't force 24Hz content to play at 50Hz?

    Use the mode whitelist to enable 1080 @ 60/50.94/50/24/23.976, allow double rates, and enable adjust-refresh.

  • Its Generic_legacy, my mistake.

    The stuttering is not the "normal" stuttering when playing a 24fps source on a Display with disabled adjust-refresh.

    "Adjust display refresh rate" is set to "always".

    Do you mean adjust-refresh in "Settings / Player / Videos" or "Settings / System / Display"? Its enabled in video settings.

    There is no 1920p24 in the whitelist. All other you mentioned are enabled.

  • If the TV doesn't provide a 24Hz mode I would leave the desktop set to 1080@60 and enable 3:2 pulldown in Kodi settings. Adjust refresh is in Settings / Player .. and I would leave it set to start/stop not always.

  • Just to understand this correctly: The settings in "Settings / Player" is for the playback of a Video and in "Settings / Display" for the Kodi interface and NOT for Videos?

  • This works for the most of my videos. I have some film that i encoded 10 or more years ago and i can't remember the x264 settings i used. Some of that old videos have the same problem. Can the problem occure when some special x264 settings are used?

  • Can the problem occure when some special x264 settings are used?

    Well, yes it's entirely possible to encode things with settings that result in problematic media files, but more likely it's about refresh rates and the lack of modes on the TV. Connect the playback device to another TV with those modes and .. be amazed that problems magically vanish.