Getting TVheadend to work

  • That’s freeze during the scan process has been highlighted on many occasions over on the TVH forum while scanning with predefined mux tables. Doesn’t seem to have been addressed so in the absence of a fix discard that particular aspect of the configuration wizard and manually enter the mux details yourself as advised above.

  • Okay will do, thanks again. A bit of a medical hiccup today, I'll try to do all that this week some time.
    I can't understand why it's needed though, as the first time I set it all up with the first pc-based box the auto scan worked fine and did so right up until the box failed. Then just over a week later when this pi box was setup the frequencies had all changed coincidentally in that week? Seems unlikely.

    No - but in this situation it's likely that your PC box would have been updated automatically with the new frequencies when the stations moved - that's part of the DVB spec that TV Headend follows. In other words, the frequencies from the set-up wizard were correct when you set-up TV Headend, the updated frequencies were sent in an updated network information table (I think it's NIT that does this) over-the-air that is part of the DVB spec. TV Headend saw the updated table, automatically added the new muxes and then scanned them, providing continuity of service. (DVB has this as part of its spec so you don't need to re-tune your TV if there are transmission / frequency changes)

    When your box failed it was likely using the new frequencies - you just won't have been aware it had effectively re-tuned in the background to cope with the changeover - and just assumed it was using the frequencies originally added at set-up.

    However at the moment the frequency database that TV Headend uses is out of date - so when you start a clean install now it doesn't know about the new frequencies in use in your area, it uses the old ones (as your original install did) but now it can't tune to any services, so can't do what your old install did (as it can't receive a NIT from any service).

    As explained - add the muxes manually. You may only need to add one and network discovery will automatically add the rest.

    We're not doing this to waste your time - we're trying to help.

    I've been using TV Headend in the UK, Germany, Sweden, France, Finland, Estonia, Denmark and the Netherlands etc. for a long time - I've always ended up starting with manual muxes and local transmitter frequencies as it's just the way that is guaranteed to work (assuming you've got a set-up with the right drivers and an aerial/antenna feed with a signal on it...). I set up new installs all the time. I never use the wizard for tuning - I always start from scratch so I know what I'm doing. It also makes troubleshooting a lot easier as you've given things sensible names.

    Edited 3 times, last by noggin (September 3, 2024 at 9:21 AM).

  • Are you definitely served by the Gold Coast Southern Hinterland Transmitter?

    You've got the ABC mux on 606.5MHz tuned and getting services, but not the other muxes, which suggests you may be just on the edge of that transmitter's signal range, unless you've entered something in the other muxes that is right in the ABC one? Have you double checked they are all 7MHz DVB-T (the default is 8MHz)

    What happened when you tried the frequencies I suggested - or do you know you're not in the Gold Coast Mount Tambourine coverage area?

    Do you have a regular TV - if so try manually tuning the frequencies for both transmitters and seeing what your TV reports back?

  • Yes other than the frequencies all those muxes are set the same as each other.
    We don't have a regular TV unfortunately.
    I think we (at least) used to use the My Tamborine transmitter, don't quote me on that though.
    Anyway I found that there's only two transmitters here, one at Mt Tamborine and the other at Currumbin.
    Queensland Digital TV Transmitter Sites

    They are circled in red, my place is in circled in blue and it is pretty much midway between them.

  • Have you tried these frequencies for Mount Tambourine from my previous post?

    This shows that this Gold Coast transmitter, Mount Tamborine, is in a UHF area, with SBS's mux on 613.5MHz, ABC's on 620.5MHz, Seven's on 627.5MHz, Nine's on 648.5MHz, Ten's on 641.5MHz and (not on the screen shot) Prime's on 655.5MHz, NBN's on 662.5MHz and Southern Cross's on 669.5MHz.

    If you're between transmitters it could be that your aerial/antenna is picking up just enough of the ABC mux you've added with the other transmitter's details but it's not a good enough signal for the others?

    This page migh be useful to find your transmitter and its frequencies if its not Mount Tambourine - it lists neighbouring transmitters etc.

    Gold Coast Digital TV Channels — GCT Mt Tamborine Site 103m Tower Golf Course Road Mount Tamborine transmitter site

  • Have you tried these frequencies for Mount Tambourine from my previous post?

    This shows that this Gold Coast transmitter, Mount Tamborine, is in a UHF area, with SBS's mux on 613.5MHz, ABC's on 620.5MHz, Seven's on 627.5MHz, Nine's on 648.5MHz, Ten's on 641.5MHz and (not on the screen shot) Prime's on 655.5MHz, NBN's on 662.5MHz and Southern Cross's on 669.5MHz.

    If you're between transmitters it could be that your aerial/antenna is picking up just enough of the ABC mux you've added with the other transmitter's details but it's not a good enough signal for the others?

    This page migh be useful to find your transmitter and its frequencies if its not Mount Tambourine - it lists neighbouring transmitters etc.

    I changed to all those frequencies and did another scan, and it seemed to populate all the muxes/channels okay. Went out to the telly to try it and the EPG was blank, as was the channel info for each channel in its tab. Bugger, I thought, but then I tried picking a channel and it worked. I had wondered if it was going to take some time to populate all the details and that's all it was.
    As I watched a few channels, their info started to fill the appropriate boxes as did the EPG.
    I'm just doing a bit of tidying up now, getting rid of the shopping & racing channels etc, but it's pretty much all done.
    Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you !!!!!